With all of these build-your-own-deck type games flooding the market, I was inspired one day to make a game where you choose a team of three heroes with unique skill trees. As they level up, you choose new cards to add to your deck. I like this idea a lot, but each prototype has been unfun, to say the least. I have a design document that outlines everything, and I think it's very detailed. Please check it out --- any and all advice, questions, ideas, and thoughts are appreciated. Thank you.
Everything you said is right. I'm attacking my problems, and my design, the wrong way. I haven't truly thought about what the players actually do, other than grab new skill tree cards, in order to create fun gameplay. Thanks for the bluntness of your reply, and looking through my massive document. You avoid eggshells eloquently, and I appreciate that. It's time for me to really think about what I want players to be doing, and how to make it as simple, fun, and strategic as possible.
I read some other threads, and came by this advice (I'm paraphrasing): adding new rules to solve problems is bad design. That sums up my approach all too well.
Brainstorm time!