Hello All ! :)
This semester I have a project based course in which I would like to display my AI programming. I have a basic simulation/game idea where the main function is to teach the computer to be better. Here is my idea.
The game will be based around hide and go seek. The computer will control the seekers and the player will be the hider. The hider must get to home base, a tree or a flag in order to win the game. If the player is tagged, the game is over and the player loses.
There will only be one hider, the human player. After every game the information of that round will be uploaded to a server where the AI can learn. Every time a new user downloads the game and plays, the game will be using the up to date AI. The bots will be using sight (field of vision) and local communication to track down and hunt the player. Bots will attempt to work together in order to accomplish this goal. Either heuristic maps or neural nets will be used to control the bots.
The graphics will be fairly simple. Probably a top down view of circles with triangles indicating where each one is looking. Rectangles will be used as obstruction for the player to hide behind and navigate past.
I feel the game will be too boring and not have enough play time for the AI bots to learn. What can I do to spice up this simple game without adding too much work? I’m thinking of creating a scoring system in which if the player will get higher points if they obtain special objects and get to “home base” in a short of amount time. Another idea would be to allow multiple players play on the same map. That could be a fair amount of work though.
Though please try to keep it simple.
So what does everyone think? Would you play the game for a few minutes?
Hi Simon, thanks for commenting. Its hard getting good input from forums.
I want the AI to be as intelligent as possible. I will hard code some tactics such as patrolling, standing guard, and coordination between multiple bots. Though I want their movement, where they and look to be learnt. I will also force them to spread out away from the flag (the end objective for the player).
Likely I will justify the bots fanning out to search for the player with this score system. Players will slowly gain points for remaining hidden. If they capture the flag or alternative objectives they will obtain a large amount of points. The problem is that the longer they stay in the current map, the more bots will appear in the map from some side entrances. So there will be some sort of threshold where it will become too dangerous to stay hidden in the map. If they don't get the flag, the score aquired in that level is lost along with an additional amount of points off their total score. If the score is less than or equal to zero, they lose.
I can personally play the game and teach the AI by myself. The problem is that it would be biased results. Much like the programmers for chess games, they know where the computer is focusing its computations because they implemented it. Thus the programmers would make moves in which the computer would not have time to analyze. This threw off the computers game. This was back in the 80s though when the computational power was still pretty weak.
Booby traps and items are a great addition to the game. My colleagues and other users on forums have stressed the use of them. I agree completely!! I don't want any violence or attacking in the simulation. Though it would be interesting to have an AI make a good decision of placing an alarm or sleep gas bomb.
Here are items I think the AI might have:
Binoculars - Increases the distance they can see but decreases the FOV (field of vision). The bot can not move when using this item and turning is slow.
Alarm Trip Wire - Alerts bots nearby if the player tripped it. Once tripped the item is broken. Players can detect if they are in some sort of mode and then disarm (like walking or they wait by it for a second).
Mud - Bots may place mud in order to see your tracks. Even when the player walks off the mud, the footsteps will appear beneath the user for a while. Steps do not fade away.
Here are items I think the PLAYER might have:
Gas Bomb trip wire - Either knocks out the AI unit permanetly or temporary. (I say permanent)
Rock - Player can throw item to distract AI unit.
Camoflage (Special) - Temporarily disguises the player so that the player is not recognized by AI. Can only be used once and likely has to be found in the level.
Fake Wall - Tricks the AI into thinking that a wall is in the way. If the specific AI bot has already explored the area and finds a fake wall, the bot will become suspicious and tear the wall down then alert the others. Players are able to go through these paper thin walls. If the bot sees the player passing through the wall or was on the players tail, the AI will realize the fake wall and tear it down. Mud tracks going through the wall will do the same thing.
So your right, items would add an interesting dynamic to the game. I definitely need a theme and some graphics. A James Bond/Mission Impossible sounds real good. Multiplayer sounds awesome but I'm going to hold off just yet because I'm afraid of the implementation and synchronization.
Oh yes, last bit. I will be presenting this at the end of my semester to a crowd of 150. This is suppose to be our professional practice project showing what we've learned throughout our college experience.
Please tell me what you think about the items and any other input you might have. Thank you