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Game using speech balloon

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Joined: 09/21/2010


Is there a game using speech balloon?
I did some research in BGG, Internet without success.
I have found a kind of contest The Bubble Project ( ) but it has nothing to do with my idea.

Willi B
Joined: 07/28/2008
With something else?

A word balloon with an image, I haven't seen in a game. If there is nothing to place next to, then there are countless dry erase games which could serve the same purpose unless there is a need to point the word balloon to the speaker.

rcjames14's picture
Joined: 09/17/2010
Empty or Full

If the speech bubble is empty and must be filled, then there are a lot of games which have similar mechanics. Balderdash, Likewise, Say Anything, What?, Telestration... where you're presented with an image or word and you need to think of the best match and then everyone votes for what they like.

If the speech bubble is full but you aren't doing anything to it, then you're talking about every RPG on the computer which is out there.

Now... what sounds interesting is perhaps a game where you are presented with a bunch of speech bubbles and you get to place them where you want.

I can see a kid's game where the kid's are presented with all the bubbles, and they have to place them on the right people... very simple... and perhaps prompted. Sort of like a multiple choice answer to a learning assessment exam. But, cuter and more graphical.

You might also imagine an activity for adults, where everyone is dealt a handful of quote cards... and then there is a deck of cartoon scenes, each missing one quote. So, everyone submits one card to the player who's turn it is to decide. Then the player chooses one and the winner gets a point. Essentially, this is Apples to Apples, but deliberately funnier and graphical/cartoonish. The adults could decide what direction to head in themselves... some people choosing to use double-entendres, others campy... others serious... whatever.

A cursory search of the internet and Barnes & Nobles game section doesn't turn up anything. But, I would be surprised if it hasn't been done. But, if this hasn't been done already, it should be. It is a perfect party game.

It is content heavy though. But, it has the potential for a lot of expansions... as you could license Cartoon property.

Joined: 09/21/2010
Sophisticated one

My idea is maybe sophisticated one.
Very simple to play but the design needs lot of skills but the game will open the path to hundreds of themes and clones.
I have maybe to take all my time to produce the skeleton and the principles of the game. I will post it when ready.
Thank you for all your answers.

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