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To Glory (prototype) Feedback welcome.

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Joined: 01/23/2019


I invite you to feedback on my game prototype To Glory.

To Glory is a Pirate manual dexterity game where you physically fire your ships guns. The aim is to get as much treasure to the opposite port as you can. But be careful because every hit your opponent scores on you, treasure gets removed. The game uses a sailing mechanic and gives the player an authentic pirate sea battle experience as you manoeuvre your ships in order to get the best shot at the enemy. There are also battle tactics cards and the ships actions allow you to concentrate on fire power, movement and boarding.

Please see below the sell sheet and youtube videos demonstrating the game.

Thank you so much for your time :)

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Seems like Pirates is one of *those* themes...

Here's another game that was recently advertised on BGDF (a couple weeks ago too): Buccaneers.

Although your game is a bit more novel with the ships and firing cubes (really neat), it's still the same "theme". I find it curious that two (2) Pirate games "land on the shores" of BGDF in so proximate of time!

Argghh! Must be the Pirrrate in me! Best of luck with ye game...

Note #1: The only point I wanted to make is just like "buccaneers", your board seems "relatively" small... I would have pictured something more LARGE like Pandemic in terms of "board size". Would have given you some more room to out-manoeuvre your opponent.

Note #2: Extraordinary Adventures: Pirates! was another game that I saw recently too. In this game you have three (3) tracks to make it to your final destination (A bit like Tokaido Board Game). Not sure if it was on BGDF or BGG... But I remember reading something about the game (it's 3 tracks, etc.)

Ah I found out HOW I saw this Pirate game: it was on KickStarter RECENTLY!

Joined: 01/23/2019
Thank you!

Really appreciate the feedback. Especially from a fellow pirate!

I suppose pirates are a popular theme. But I’ll certainly check out the other game

Joined: 06/09/2017
your game looks awsome, and

your game looks awsome, and the firing looks cool.
on a purely practical level, how fiddly are those flat pack ships to make when i get them out of the box? and will the "spring" of the firing mechanism get worn out?

Joined: 01/23/2019
thank you!

The ships are really easy to build out of the box. They will be punched out of printed card as standard and they can take quite a battering with out any visible or structural wear and tear. The mechanism is simply a see-saw which you tap on one side to launch the cubes on the other side. I will add the rules which include the instructions on how to build.

peterthull's picture
Joined: 04/18/2018
an alternative battle mode

Congrats, the game looks great! I was thinking that, while the dexterity part of the cannon fire looks fun, some people may not like it, or may not want to do it every time they play. I would suggest coming up with an alternate fighting mechanism that the players would have the option to use instead of the manual shooting. A dice battle is the obvious mechanic, but not the only viable option.

Joined: 01/23/2019
Thank you :) I agree that

Thank you :)

I agree that some may not go for the firing mechanism. I suppose i have to accept that its a little outside the box (no pun intended) in terms of standard game play. Perhaps its more suited to a kids market for that reason. I hope a publisher would see the potential in it being a novel idea.

I get excited by games with a physical or functional aspect but I'm fully aware thats not everyones cup of tea. To replace the firing cubes with a die rolling mechanic might put it in the category of a multitude of other ship games that force me to imagine the cannons ripping into the enemy ship. I always wanted to fire those cannons myself and feel them ripping into the other ship :)

Perhaps i should play more video games :P

peterthull's picture
Joined: 04/18/2018
to be clear...

To clarify, I think you should keep the firing mechanism, definitely, but consider having a second option, perhaps as an expansion down the road.

I remember I bought an Angry Birds toy for a friend's son. It had a similar firing mechanism that he would use to shoot a stack of pigs when he played with it. I tried it one time and I couldn't hit the pigs! I think it was designed for children's fingers or maybe I am just not good at those type of games. For the Angry Birds toy, the firing mechanic makes total sense. For your game it also does fit, but your game also has some strategy and it seems like a lot of tactics. So, I think it could have a fun variant with the firing mechanism, but also a more serious, "thinky" variant. The only downside I see with my idea is that some reviewers could criticize the game for being "overdeveloped" or they could say that you, as the designer, didn't know which direction to take the game. But I think it's a good idea to give your game purchaser a couple different ways to enjoy your game, as long as they are all good. Obviously, you shouldn't take it to the extreme of 500 different ways to play it. Then it just gets overwhelming.

I could see your game appealing to children as well as adults, although I don't have kids so I can't really comment on that. I think it would be a really fun "beer and pretzels" type game for adults.

Have you thought of putting an island or two in the ocean, just as single hexes? How do you think that would effect game-play?

Joined: 06/09/2017
i personally wouldn't add an

i personally wouldn't add an alternative combat option.
it would be like offering a dice roll option for jenga. the point of a dexterity game is to test dexterity. if you cant do it well because your too clumsy, tough sh*t, play somthing else. at some games kids are just better at than adults (namely memory, matching and dexterity) luckily they're rubbish at other stuff so if you really want to win you can.
you have the strategy element as well but your hook is definitely the firing mechanic. perhaps you could release a separate game with the same strategy bits and a luck or strategy based firing mechanic.

Joined: 01/23/2019
Thank you so much for the

Thank you so much for the great info on dexterity v dice rolling. I suppose the dexterity might provide some semblance of skill as opposed to luck, but yes this is totally what i want to do every time i play a game with napoleonic ships.

Im sending this off to a publisher that showed some interest and will report back with the result :)

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