Hi all.
I'm in the very early stages of getting stuff together for a Heist-themed CCG. It's set, for now, as a contemporary game the better to include laser grid traps, computer hacking, etc. as a way to get the goods. The rules are coming together nicely (still ironing some kinks out of the v 1.0 rules), but I find that as I sit down to brainstorm names for some of the characters I'm really coming up dry.
Here are the basic card types and a quick description of their use in play. Those led-in with a ** are the ones I need help with:
** MASTERMIND: Your starting character, akin to a WOW Hero. The MM sets your specific rules, namely how big a crew of Specialists you have, how many Countermeasures you can play, how much Loot you take, and any special victory conditions. The name "mastermind" is also open to discussion.
** SPECIALISTS: using basic keywords/icons, these are Tech, Weapon, Get-Away, Stealth, Alarms, and...whatever. Specialists allow your mastermind and crew to use better and better Tools/Countermeasures and are the ones doing the dirty work during the heist itself. Both card names and possible keywords are open to discussion.
TOOLS: from lockpicks and acetylene torches to big drills and dynamite, these are what your Specialists use to pull off the Heist itself. I think I'm OK to get at least a few gadgets here, but feel free to chip in suggestions.
COUNTERMEASURES: these protect your deck ("the Bank") from other crews out to steal your stuff. They, like tools, require a match of keyword/icons to be played. I'm thinking there's GOT to be a better name for them, something less cumbersome, like how cyberpunks have "ice" for security programs. "Booby trap" comes to mind, but that sounds seriously lame.
PLOTS: Every run will be different, and Plot cards are the twists that make each daring raid different! Also think I'm doing OK with Plot ideas, but again, all feedback's welcome.
The base set is marked for about 300 cards, with PLOTS and SPECIALISTS getting more specific cards than the other groups.
Yeah, that's got a nice ring to it. Also, it doesn't fight being able to use first initial for shorthand in writing cards/prototyping.