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Hero/Villan card flip game [wip]

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jedite1000's picture
Joined: 02/18/2017

While i take a break from my other card game i decide to do a more simpler card game.

This is a card flip game,(i think) my only card flip game i ever played was memory but i get the approach on how it works.

My game is about a team of heroes and villains, both players can have either of them on their field, how it works is, both players have a deck of cards faced down, they draw 5 cards each and then each player will place down the 5 cards face down on the field, they are free to mulligan any number of cards in their hands and redraw until they get the cards they want but must always have 5 cards in your hand at the end.

after both players have 5 cards face down, they are then all flipped up and what is on the cards will determine the results

Each cards have a score on their cards ranging from 0-600, once revealed both players tally up their total score but the trick is, some cards come with special effects that will affect either you or your opponents cards or the tally at the end of the round.

The lower level cards which are 0 and 100 will have the special effects, 200+ score will have nothing but the score itself.

This will give player strategic approach, do you want to win with big score cards alone or would you risk it by playing the low level cards for their effects.

That is not all both hero and villain effect cards will effect the game different

the hero cards will buff your own score and help your own cards while the villain cards will effect the opponent by giving then negative side effects or lowering their score.

Also there are added bonuses if you play certain cards

if you have 5 heroes only or 5 villains only you get a bonus
5 heroes will give you a total tally score increase while 5 villains will take away your opponent's total tally score.

But that is not all, each hero and villain card will be affiliated to a team name, if you have 5 cards with the same team name on the field you get special bonus like example increase total tally or select 1 card on your side of the field and you are able to use it again on the next round.

That is basically what i have so far, I am currently working on the cards effects right now

Im making this game to be like a quick 5 minute each round, i haven't decided on how a player wins the whole game either playing a certain amount of rounds before tallying all the cards score that has been won by the player. if you lose a round, that scores round doesn't count for you so only the winner of each round will be able to tally up their total score at the end of the game

Or when the players run out of cards to draw and whoever won the most points from their victory rounds will win the whole game

Joined: 01/27/2017
Sounds like it would be quick and fun

This sounds like the idea for a quick and fun game, though unlimited mulligans means relatively more downtime for the less-OCD player. You might as well let them hand-pick five cards from the deck.

A scaled-back discard rule is definitely within reach though. Maybe you start with six in hand need to play one card to the field (face down) and then can discard as many as you want. Redraw up to six and repeat until five cards are played.

That gives a bit of a "founder effect" that shapes the remaining decisions that round, and the opponent can tell you're following the rules even if he/she can only see the card backs.

Are you envisioning relatively unique abilities for each card, or categories? I'd recommend at least some categories to make ability descriptions easier, such as:

"I, Sickle, ICE-based Villain, is worth 100 but any FIRE-based opponent is worth 0 points this round."

jedite1000's picture
Joined: 02/18/2017
founder effect sounds like a

founder effect sounds like a good idea, not sure if it slows down the pace of the game though, i have to test it when i start play testing

I try to give each effect cards unique effects but it all just ends up being lower opponent's score or increase your score. pretty hard coming with unique effects that are on its own

I have a list of cards and their effects, most are still a placeholder effect, i cant really think of any unique effects right now, i hit a wall, can anyone think of any?

TEAM A HERO bonus - double your total tally score
0-Increase this cards score for every villain on opponent's field by 100
300-Decrease opponent's total score this round by 100 for every hero on the field after tally
TEAM C HERO - select 1 card on your side, that card is used next round
200-Increase this cards score by 100 if your opponent has a full villain match up
TEAM D VILLAIN select 1 card on your opponent's side, that card is used next round
200-Decrease your opponent's total tally score by 500 if they have a full hero match up
300-Increase this cards score by 300 if you have 2 other heroes on your side
TEAM F VILLAIN bonus- decrease all opponent's cards score to 100
0-swap this card with your opponent's highest score card
100-Increase your total tally by 500 this turn if you have a team match up
TEAM H VILLAIN - negate all opponent's effect cards this round
100-Decrease opponent's tally by 500 if you have a team match up
0-Increase your total tally score by 1000 if both players have a team match up
0-Decrease opponent's total tally score by 1000 if both players have a team match up

Joined: 03/06/2017
Very similar


This sounds very similar to a game I've been working on and off on for a couple months. My game is loosely based on the classic War card game, but sounds like yours. the game is themed around ancient warfare (each card is a character such as archer, healer, footman, spy, etc). Each round, players draw 6 cards, decide and put one back on top of their draw deck for next round, then place their five cards down in front of them face down. When both are ready, flip all cards up and determine winner of round.

The unique point is that cards' values are dependent on adjacent cards and/or where the card is located in the "line up" of the five cards. Some cards gain points if in the first position, some cards protect or heal adjacent cards, etc. If you lose the round, your cards are "dead" and go into a deceased pile, while the round winner's cards go into the discard pile (which can be re-shuffled back into their hand when needed). Object of game is to reduce your opponent to less than 5 cards in their hand so they cannot field an "army" for the next round and lose.

I'm subscribed to this thread and excited to hear how your game goes.

jedite1000's picture
Joined: 02/18/2017
i dunno where i got my game

i dunno where i got my game idea from, i haven't played any game like this except for memory but that was like 20+ years ago.

While i was creating my faction wars card game i just thought of super heroes, then i thought what type of game should i make with superheroes. i didn't want it a copy of my faction game or games like yugioh/magic/pokemon but a fast 5 minute round game, then it somehow clicked, i put 2 and 2 together.

Of course i wouldn't be the only one to think of this mechanic, whatever game is similar to my flip card game is just pure coincidence

jedite1000's picture
Joined: 02/18/2017
Ok i updated my card list and

Ok i updated my card list and i removed the team aspect of the game, its just too complicated to keep track of

so the full hero or villain team up remains instead

I also decide to have only the cards with a score of 0 to have the effect instead of up to 300 or something

25x hero cards 0x6 effect cards 100x5 200x4 300x4 400x2 500x2 600x1

25x villain cards 0x6 effect cards 100x5 200x4 300x4 400x2 500x2 600x1

effects for heroes---- Increase this cards score for every villains on opponent's field by 100-- Negate 1 opponent's card effect this round-- Select 1 card on your side, that card is used next round-- Swap this card with an opponent's card-- Negate all opponent's card effect this round-- All your cards score is doubled this round--

effects for villains---- Decrease opponent’s total score for every hero on their field by 100-- Negate 1 opponent's card effect this round-- Select 1 card on opponent's side, that card is used next round-- Swap this card with an opponent's card-- Negate all opponent's card effect this round-- All opponent’s cards score is halved this round--

JayOfTrades's picture
Joined: 03/20/2017
Few questions

1.)Have you thought about possibly having a character's score changed based on its placement in the group?
2.)Could there be characters (one-of hero, one-of villain) that negates the effect of the character in the same spot on your opponent's side?

Just a few things I thought of to make character choice/placement a little more interesting.

jedite1000's picture
Joined: 02/18/2017
I updated my game though

I updated my game though didnt bother posting an update since i dont think anyone cares about my game so didnt matter

but i added ability cards which grants bonus points to specific characters and whatnot

Havnt decided on card placement yet, i dont think i will as im trying to have a little mechanics as possible so anyone can easily pick it up with no problem, no extra bits like dice and coins ect, just cards

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Think positive!

jedite1000 wrote:
I updated my game though didnt bother posting an update since i dont think anyone cares about my game so didnt matter...

What matters is that YOU care about your game. You need to have a positive outlook on your game - and be the champion your game deserves. Otherwise if the game does not have YOUR "voice", no one will take an active interest in playing your game.

What I'm trying to say is that YOU need to be the "advocate" for your game. YOU need to talk about it and express whatever it is great about... Does it have a clever mechanic, is the theme really immersive, do you have attractive artwork, etc. Whatever makes your game unique...

And yeah I know all games ARE unique. But what matters is *while subjective*, is playing your game FUN?! If you've designed a FUN game, then the more people play it, and have fun, the more likely you will get recognition about your game.

Takes time... a lot of effort and mostly perseverance.

Good luck(?!) with your game!

jedite1000's picture
Joined: 02/18/2017
Oh havnt been on here for

Oh havnt been on here for awhile, thanx for the reply, i ultimately given up of the game and any other for that matter

while was fun drawing the heroes it took a long time and i just dont have the patience and commitment to draw 50 of them

Joined: 01/27/2017
Don't give up

jedite1000 wrote:
Oh havnt been on here for awhile, thanx for the reply, i ultimately given up of the game and any other for that matter

while was fun drawing the heroes it took a long time and i just dont have the patience and commitment to draw 50 of them

I hope you keep at it, the game itself seems perfectly aimed at kids (and this was a side project if I recall correctly).

Making fifty portraits does seem like it could be tedious. If that's offputting for you, it means you might not be cut out to be a commercial artist, but doesn't say anything about your ability as a designer.

Quick sketches are more that enough for a prototype (If I was doing it, they'd probably be text descriptions!). Then look into hiring an artist or sending the whole thing to a publisher and let them have five artists do ten cards each.

let-off studios
let-off studios's picture
Joined: 02/07/2011
Hero Machine

If you're just hung up on creating artwork, I suggest you have a look at Hero Machine:

Compose a hero you like, then take a screenshot or export it and then add these heroes to your prototype. They've added a "headshot" view, so you don't even have to compose a full-body costume.

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