Hello, I am trying to get ideas for a game I am interested in creating. I envision a game where you have a hidden role and all the movement is hidden as well. There would be two teams and you'd have to find out who's on your team. Probably one team trying to find the other. The board i would want to be a map of the world, with various cities on it. The players can go to various cities to complete their objectives (whatever those would be). The catch is, I want this to be played postal.. Most of my friends are in different cities so for everyone to play it by mail and or a facebook group event is the plan. It would take about a week and people with busy schedules just need a couple minutes each day to submit their moves. All you would need is any type of map and you could just highlight the cities needed or something of the sorts.
Anyone want to brainstorm? Would be much appreciated.
I was thinking up to maybe 8 or 10 people. The more people, the more locations needed obviously. The idea I thought of was that one team was a resistance, and they had a president. The resistance knows who the president is but the president doesnt know who anyone is. The other team are the hunters and they are trying to assassinate the president. The resistance team will try and escort the president to different locations to get points (recruit people to their cause) and the hunters are trying to track them down and kill them. if a hunter is in the same apace as the president and kills him, the hunters win. But if the president has a resistance member with him on that space, the resistance member dies and the president escapes. Hence the resistance Escorting him. So it is possible for the president to go solo but its risky.
Im leaning towards having a GM.
Any thoughts on the idea?