I playtested it ( solo ) last night and this worked nicely. It really added something to the game.
Why do this? It forces the players to make choices. Choices are interesting.
I tried something linking the Action points of the character and his Health points... like I said in this section : Action & Health Values // Insania Lupina
This was quite promising, even if ite requires that I re adjust those stats to "balance" the combats....
I, then, discovered that a game called Defenders of the Realm ( a fantasy Pandemic-inspired game ) is actually using the very same system !!!
I'm now experimenting on the map itself... trying to use areas movements instead of point-to-point ( pretty much the same thing, but areas are clearer when it comes to move several tokens/minis at the same time ).
Another very subtle thing to balance...
For the moment, I don't see what else I could do with them... They currently act as permanent allies of the werewolf clan, but because of the theme, I didn't want them to be completely a part of the clan...
- Do you think the Werewolf Leader or one of his followers should control the spreading direction ?
( cottonwoodheadsaid, the witch can spend a fixed amount of Curse ( mainly as a kind of "ranged attack" ) given to the Werewolf clan at the beginning of the game ( the humans have Prayers and Healing tokens...) )
- Some Werewolves have the "Infectious" ability... they can turn an opponent into a werewolf ( instead of killing him )... maybe could they became "plague bearer" too ?
( in that case, should I give also a fixed amount of infection tokens that could be spent to spread the Plague or turn opponents into werewolves ? )