So having shelved "Quest AC 2" permanently has driven me to start thinking about A GAME that will be ATTRACTIVE to the Kickstarter community. That's right, my GOAL is to design a game that 1,000+ backers will want to play.
This is a challenge, since we know that Kickstarters Backers are an odd bunch and designing a game for them is well... difficult.
Take Dan Kriss as an example:
$35k [Cancelled]: Amazing Video
$8,500 [Unsuccessful]: Pretty awesome video also
$18k [Successful $27k]: A strange video
$12k [Succesful $57k]: An awesome video too
So just studying Dan's efforts leads me to believe that the video, while entertaining, are not the reasons why people choose to back a project. It seems people are MORE interested by the GAME - and how interesting or unique the game is...
Dan demonstrates that if you FAIL, TRY, TRY again! :)
So I wonder what makes for a MORE successful campaign. Please SHARE your thoughts on this matter...
The truth of the matter is that 250 backers seems to be the norm. If you can be successful with that many backers, well that's not too bad.
And like you said, having stretch goals that are simple but EFFECTIVE is another way to attract MORE backers.
I think it's a simple formula: offer more of the game for the same price.
This is like saying BUY this at "$25.00" and if we get 1,000 backers you will get twice as many cards in the set. If we do the math, sure more backers means more money - but more CARDS implies greater COST. So it's kind of a trade-off (this for that).
Anyhow that's my thinking and where I hope to take my next game.
It is rather embryonic at the moment - because I'm not sure how the game will play out. And there is a reason for that: I had a Video Game in mind and have come to the realization that IF I can make some money with a Table Top version first, well then do that FIRST ... and later if there is still interest create a Video Game...!