I just had an idea yesterday about a light weight dungeon crawl idea that I would like to share. I got some inspiration from Death Angel card game for the card system.
and the dungeon tiles will look similar to dungeon crawl
Except that the tiles will not be divided by movement squares, but rather by room and corridors.
Since the game will be cooperative with no game master, it will be easier to have a mechanic that moves monsters if the tiles are divided as room rather as movement square. The map will be created randomly as the player explore the maze.
The core of the game is done with action cards. Player can either move, rest or play a card. Movement consist in moving to an adjacent room or corridor. The more monster in the room, the lower are the chances to succeed. Resting allows you to recover cards and reshuffle your deck.
Your action card will be a custom deck of action and spells. Probably a thin deck like 20-30 cards would be the best. Some basic cards always get reshuffled while other cards are discarded after use. It requires a rest action to place these action back into your deck.
Monsters will be represented by cube and disk of various color. Each color is a family of monster. The family will changes from a maze to another according to the difficulty of the game. Monster occupy rooms and corridors and may move to adjacent rooms if occupied by the players. Door size determines the amount of monster that can move in a turn.
I am not sure if there will be level upping and equipment purchase. I want to keep the components low. So it's impossible that your level will increase the power of your action, but you will not get new actions. The configuration of your action deck will make your character unique. Equipment will be determined by you character, maybe it can be upgraded with gold, but you cannot change equipment. Maybe there will be expandable items that can be purchased.
What I do not like in level up is that more powerful character, means that you will need more powerful monster. Which creates an escalation of strength which does not change anything on the probability level ( I do more damage, but you have more HP, so does it really matter?)
The only alternative would be that stronger family of creatures could have more nasty special ability and effect which requires much more strategy from the players to succeed. So the additional stats power up will help.
Now with a system like that, I remove almost all the tactical layer of a dungeon crawler and replace it with the action cards. The problem is that I think that the "Strategic" part of a dungeon crawler IS the tactical layer. So if it get's removed or reduced, I must add something else to the game.
It's that something else which I am not sure yet.
Right now, it would only be a kill all monster game which runs faster. I first though that there could be various kind of objectives: Time limit, capture the flag type of game, etc.
Or, If I include level upping, there could be something that could be achieved over multiple games. For example, bring your character to the highest level until it dies. Since games will be shorter, it might be easier to define goals that must be achieved after multiple games.
In order to make the game more accessible, I would really like to have a game that can be played out of the box with almost no character creation and optionally have the option for a campaign mode.
Thank you for the comment. I posted the same thread on BGG and in evolved in a direction of it's own.
Many new ideas have been found that I will sumarise here:
- It will be a dungeon crawl were each character are wizard and must use their magic wisely to succeed. So all characters are weak physically.
- Cards will all be spells that will have various kind of effects.
- Player can power up spells up to level 5. When they do so, they roll 1D6, if they roll lower than the level, they lose 1 mana. So it's a push your luck mechanism.
- spell cards have 2 functions. Using them has focus can increase the stats of your character but reduce your hand size.
- Monster Damage is like in death angel card game: Roll 1D6, if value lower-equal nb creature, take a wound.
- The theme is beign changed to a gladiator arena theme. Players will need to find the exit and fight monster on the way. They will have to hurry up a bit because every turn, new monsters get pushed into the dungeon.
- The map will be changed for only rooms without corridors like in "The legend of zelda" or in "Dungeon Quest". To see inside a room, you will have to enter it. You will have zelda like stuff, like kill all ennemies to unlock a door or doors that close behind you.
So this is the new developments. It seems pretty interesting.