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Looking for single word descriptors

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Mansemat's picture
Joined: 11/19/2013


I'm currently trying to conceptualize a game where you're playing as misanthropes against eachother. You basically make a character consisting of 6 types so you will eventually end up with one and long, often, derogatory (?) depiction of a person such as "you bigheaded, unhygienic, little, fat, commie pig". etc
As this character you'll combat other people in daily routines. The catch will be that whoever was the nicest and thus the most humane wins even though you're constantly being dicks to eachother and I'm gonna try to achieve that even though we all often are selfish and don't look at other people it's still a matter of balancing self-interest vs being friendly. I'm in the beginning stages of making the rules for this so it's still open for input.

The game is currently called "misanthropus; l'enfer c'est les autres/hell is other people" and I'm currently looking for these categories and words of what makes up a human being.
I currently have the following categories with each their own subcategories but the wordings are a bit off (I really need to read more I guess).

Here's what I have at the moment:

A) Social ladder/wealth:
homeless, overeducated, unemployed,trust fund, rich,
poor, lotto winner, nouveau riche, royal, bum,

B) Religion:
muslim, protestant, christian,hindu, buddhi, agnost, atheist, satanist, paganist, cultist, sikh

C) Race:
white,black, tyellow, red, mix,brown,albino

D) Mindset/affilliation:
commie,capitalist,right winger,left winger,socialist,nationalist,patriot;fascist,racist

E) Demeanor:

F) Orientation (sexual orientation):
third gender,androgynous

G) Appearance (looks):

In short i'm looking for better classes of the main categories and more types of any of these classes in the subcategorie. These words can be offensive or rude since that'll be the point of the game but I'm going to try to avoid overly offensive characteristics I think.

Any help is welcome! Thanks in advance :o

Joined: 03/02/2014
A few additions

I'm not sure I see how you'll achieve the "being dicks to each other" when the winner is going to be the one who was nicest. But I'm willing to suspend an opinion until I see the mechanic.

If part of the point is to make insults, I think this is only fun if the insults are funny and full of imagery. "You dimwit Caucasian transsexual" is really not funny in the way that "You're a boil on the arse of a hippo with dysentery" is.

But, since you asked, here are a few:

A) middle class, criminal class, welfare brat, one percenter

B) Wiccan, Shinto,

D & E) separatist, isolationist, libertarian, paranoid, xenophobic, homophobic, *-phobic, depressive, depressing, manic, psychopath, sociopath

G) Acne-scarred, schnozzeriffic, big-eared, mouth-breather

Mansemat's picture
Joined: 11/19/2013
Well you're not really being

Well you're not really being a dick to eachother. The sole purpose of the string of words is to form a characters. It's simply put a different way of having, say, strength, dexterity etc

Like for example Smallworld where you combine two "cards" which make you the Dashing Wizards or the Gargantuan Warlocks this would have 5 such "denominators".

It's not part of the point to throw insults at each other, you're just a character who just happens to be that to other people (which ofcourse isn't correct in "your" eyes). It's about wrong perception and thus judgements we all make (but driven into the absurd).

The game solves around these "stats" which all have different ways of throwing a dice, and players will battle eachother (and thus eachothers ego's) in the most mundane activities. Example: A gets off the train and B wants to get on it... We both want to go first (yes etiquette states A must go first but I see it daily that certain people just... are dicks).

Anyways, like said: still working out the details on how one can win but I think it can be achieved by having the person who rolls lowest. Ofcourse I don't want it to be all luck so there will be other mechanics (selecting dice, changing etc or cards) to add some tactics and thinking.

I do like to have such a funny insult mechanic thrown in it but I fear I do not have to vocabulary to even start such a thing. Worth a try later on though.

Aynyways, more words are welcome but these are great already (have to look some up though)

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