Here's an idea I had, instead of playing Memoir '44, why don't you play Memoir '84? During the 80s, speculation whirled around the world. Would America and Russia contest for the seat of world power by military conflict, or would one of them collapse financially? Well, thankfully one of them collapsed, but what if it had not? Helicopters, mass paradrops, alliances with Cuba, and Russian tanks on our home soil, not to mention the use of tactical nukes in our country.
I think a game should be made that centers on this period, allowing players to recreate "what if" scenarios and learn how the Russian and American military was used during those years of intrigue. This idea of mine created Memoir '84. Using Memoir '44's mechanics and concepts, modern warfare can be fought using Apaches, M1 Abrams tanks, and sophisticated infantry squads.
Well, what do you think? Do you think a game from this time period would be popular? Do you think Days of Wonder would pick up on an idea like this? I would like to hear your suggestions and comments.
I like your idea bluesea, and in fact, the first protoype I have is using Fantasy Flight's Starcraft miniatures. So maybe this game could interest FFG as well as DOW. I should have a gaming report for y'all soon, maybe in a few days or next week. This is just a fun idea I had so it will probably never get off the ground unless my new game will do well this year. Thanks for your interest, please give me more ideas and suggestions!