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Multiclass: the game

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Stealthpike's picture
Joined: 12/30/2015

I just randomly had an idea that sounded fun, but basically, the goal would be to make the most useless character for an RPG. The idea is still very rough, but I thought I'd toss it out and see what people think. My rough idea is to multi-class in the most bizarre ways possible. Make a sorcerer/fighter who has great spell-caster power and wears heavy armor giving him a 75% spell failure chance. Whoever can make the most useless combo wins.

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
Ah, when I play this game in

Ah, when I play this game in RTS land.
We mostly go with a inverted glass cannon.

An unit, so heavy armored. You wonder why it was build. The speed of this unit is normal, it can track most units. But the range is huge! Yet the weapon does so little damage, other players simply ignore this annoying unit for the time being. While it fires it long distance projectiles.

Of course we have the no ranged, but super speed variant of this unit. Which is a bit more expensive since you can wall in your opponent with ease.

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