Everyone has had this happen to them. You get an idea for something and when you google it you find out someone has already done it.
I had an idea for a game where players would draft a party of adventurers in a fantasy game. Players would draft heroes, items, spells, etc. to build a party.
Before the draft, players would have a few monsters dealt face up in front of them. After the draft, they would have to fight the monsters dealt to them, but they could also kill monsters in front of someone next to them to get a share of their VP. The idea is that you can fight all your own monsters and compete with your neighbours for theirs, but players will be more successful if they work together, to draft the best cards for everyone around and help each other fight.
Now, when I googled games like this to find out if one already exists, I found Lost Legends. My question is, without knowing too much of the details of my game, do you think the concept is too similar to Lost Legends, or is it different enough that it is worth making?
Looking forward to hearing what everyone thinks. I have not seen this topic discussed much.