Hi Bgdf!
I have a game idea i like get some feedback from.
Since a while now im working around on it and i hope it was worth it :). I would like to call it something like "Travel to sprawl", I hope its correct in english and a good name, if its not please let me know and I will find a better one.
Its for 1 - 4 players where every player plays a explorer of a fraction. They all have the same goal to get the most influential congress in the universe. Its a game in sci-fi theme where every fraction spotted a planet to populate and the explorers get the request to sprawl around every planet, star or moon you find as much as possible.
A game ends when a Player reached a number of population that differs for 2, 3 or 4 Players.
But theres one big problem. On this unexplored planets and in their space around are big ugly monsters that dont let you settle down there this easily. But also other native species that may can help you or not.
___________________GAME DESCRIPTION___________________
Every player starts on the main planet which is the biggest of all in the game. Also everyone gets a "mothership" which is simply a status card to manage your population, technology, influence and other things. You can decide between 4 start species to populate but you dont have to specialize on one. Every fraction can populate every species they want. They also have abilities which bring different advantages and all are required to grow your influence.
- the blue species are the most intellegent ones who bring you further in technology,
- the red ones are a military species that provides more army and defense,
- the black ones are the evil species and provides more damage and weapons
- and the green ones are the settler species who are the best at providing food for your civilisation.
Just the perfect match of this species let you gain the most inlfluence. But their not the only species. Arround the main planet you can explore also neutral species who can give you also their advantage if you fulfill their conditions. Such a ability would be random by drawing one of a neutral species card. (I dont know if I realy put this into the game but i thought its a good idea so i wanted to share it and ask if you think its good or not..?)
If you try to explore you can find different things,
- Planets, stars or moons who are there to populate them. Like on the main planet you can also build buildings there. On them are always monsters. How much of them depends on how much space the star, moon or planet provides. (the more its worth the more monsters are there)
- A single monster flying in space, once found you dont get rid of it. It will randomly attack the players and eat their citizens. It can be fought alone or together, but the reward will split to every player who was involved in the fight.
- Pirates. If you cant defeat them they take one of your goods. Like the monsters they dont go away as long as there is something to steal. They can also fought alone or together. Other than the monsters the pirates leave if they try to steal from a player that doesent have any goods.
- A meteorite. If you cant destroy it in a time limit it will destroy a building. As simpel as it sounds. same fighting rules as by monsters or pirates.
So its dangerous out there, no matter what you will find you need to be prepared!
My idea for battles was that every player moves his ships as a fleet. A fleet has a maxed unit number based on your buildings (f.i.:landingspaces). For every single fleet you send into space you need to put influence on it. So if a fleet you send in a battle gets complete destroyed you lose the influence on it.
The enemys are also functioning on the same idea. They flying around with influence and if they get defeated the winner/winners of the fight gets the influence on it.
With your influence you cant just build your fleets you also can build buildings that bring you different advantages. Every land is marked with building spaces. Some lands have more some have less. There are two types of buildings:
-basic buildings; which you always can build. This would be something like a residental building which would provide more living space.
-Tech buildings; which you can just build if you have the right number of civilians of a specific species. This buildings are all on a techtree. So just if you build the first blue building you can build the next two blue ones and can choose which path of advantages you want to use.
I heave many ideas for buildings but not jet decided which im taking and which not.
Im already tinkering for a prototype to playtest it and as next step i would do a rulebook when im sure which things work good and which dont. I hope you can imagine my ideas and my english wasnt to bad. Im thankful for every feedback i can get :)
Hi kos!
Fist of all thanks for your help! Yes the theme isnt something new but I thought it would do well in a bit funny looking comic art I could draw. Its my first game idea so I would just be happy if it works and i can play the things I thought of :D. To have fun with friends with a game i created myself would be great!
Its possible that its already to much of the core. I definitely need to go through my ideas and point out whats essential and whats
a "nice feature" or a whole "add-on". This computergames are great but more inspiring for me were the complexity of games like from fantasy flight games. I dont want the game to take 3 hours to play but i like multiple choice elements when you can choose your own way to win like in agricola. But I wont know if it works until I dont tested it.
Ok than Travel to sprawl is canceled. It was just a idea i got but I thought it wouldnt be that good in english. Thats also the reason why i asked and wrote it just as a idea before i already present it in this title. It isnt that bad in my language but Im sure i can come up with something better in english ^^.
I really appriciate your advice and will pay my attention on simplyfiing the hole thing to make it easier to learn when I playtest it.