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New Idea*

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Joined: 08/23/2008

I created a game over this past week's shore vacation.

The p[hysical part of the game is simply laminated cards of words from Wiktionary and Wikipedia. It either contains the first paragraph or so from Wikipedia or as much of the definitions I could fit on a card using Times New Roman 10 point, if it is a Wiktionary word. The choice between Wiktionary or Wikipedia was kind of random.

I just used standard playing cards as the base of the cards and got a designer scrapbook background featuring cut up newspaper text to use as the backing.

The rules I've got so far, are based on the card game Apples to Apples ( The dealer picks a card and the players have to choose to provide the best definition of the word, a synonym, a sentence, or tell a story using the word be it real or fictional. The defintions, synonyms, sentence usage, and stories can serious or silly, real or outlandish and fictional.

The point is to have fun and maybe learn, so maybe the point is being clever, witty, silly and funny. There are some big words like "antidisestablimentarianism" and "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis." Other words are from the beach and summer environment like "play" and "love".

The rules are simply that the dealer chooses his favorite response, and that person gets the card and the dealership. The one with most cards wins. There are also some cards with red bads on part of the background. When the dealer picks one of these, he must specify whether the players should respond with a definition, synonym, sentence use or story and then everybody must produce this one type for that turn.

Any suggestions or criticism is greatly accepted.

Joined: 08/23/2008

By the way the game is call "Daffinitions."

SiddGames's picture
Joined: 08/02/2008
It sounds sort of like a

It sounds sort of like a cross between Apples to Apples and Balderdash. Both are decent games, but I wonder if yours would be too similar, or just the right combination to be appealing? I do think, though, that if you're aiming mainstream that there needs to be a little narrower focus on the types of answers allowed.

"...and the players have to choose to provide the best definition of the word, a synonym, a sentence, or tell a story using the word be it real or fictional. The defintions, synonyms, sentence usage, and stories can serious or silly, real or outlandish and fictional."

That sounds almost too many options to give a mainstream audience. I'd suggest narrower allowed answers, because people who like the game and are creative can always use house rules to add more options (or maybe you can add those as variants).

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