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New Illuminati Card Game

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Fhizban's picture
Joined: 01/11/2009

Do you remember the trading card game from Steve Jackson Games called "Illuminati - New World Order" ( ), i would really like to see/make a remake of that game. This game just had (and has!) so much potential, especially when looking at the current political/economical background. It was fun to play and the cards had such a sinister/conspirative theme to them.

But, the game also had many flaws. When doing a remake, I would like to see the following points eliminated:

A. Randomness - I just dont like card games combined with dice, its just dice or cards for me. So the combat system must be replaced with a more traditional "compare numbers" system like found in most CCGs.

B. Gridlike Playing field - As good as the idea of building power structures by aligning cards to each other sounds, it does not really do the job well in a card game. this is because card games should be fast and without a real "playing field". in magic: the gathering and many other CCGs, placment of cards is just not important - and this is a good thing! If I want to play a game with a grid, i rather play a boardgame. the question is now how to replace the gridlike power structure in the game.

What could be done to replace the points above with more CCG/TCG like mechanics to streamline the rules and make the game more tactical? Anyone knows this game, any thoughts?

JaffetC's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
I actually really enjoyed the

I actually really enjoyed the Weiss Schwartz Game engine. A mixture of that and maybe Guilty Gods would probably work.

Fhizban's picture
Joined: 01/11/2009
Could you point me to some

Could you point me to some rules? I dont find anything about Weiss Schwartz Engine on the net and the Guilty Gods is on the geek, but I dont know anyhting about its core mechanics.

Thanks for the feedback anyway!

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
I don't have much time to

I don't have much time to reply. I was working on a variant once for Illuminati. I wanted to remove the bash the leader syndrome, I added multiple goals with victory points distributed semi randomly. And the network's new power was to ignore the connection lines and place them as a grid. There was also a council where people could vote on stuff.

I have some prototype material I could send to you as a source of inspiration. Here is a picture of some material I made:

Let me know if you are interested. I'll see what's left on my computer.

Personally, I don't mind having dice roll, it's just that you know the TN before rolling. I suggest people invest secretly on each side and the money gets revealed simultaneously. You could have dummy money tokens to make people believe you are supporting them.

Fhizban's picture
Joined: 01/11/2009
@larienna thanks for the


thanks for the reply.

i could use new card ideas as source of inspiration, your picture is already very promising. but you dont need to hurry - im not really depended on new ideas.

currently its more the remake of the basic rules that keeps me busy. i would like to turn the game into something more similar to a CCG (i know there was a ccg variant of the game too, but it was not a real "ccg" in my point of view).

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
PM me your e-mail, I'll send

PM me your e-mail, I'll send you what I have.

As you can see, there are various card types (lower left corner of the card) which are played in many different ways. So it might be important to know it now since some rules are related to it.

For example, there is the revelation cards that triggers the end of the game when X cards are drawn.

I am not sure I have written rules, but if you have questions on how something would have worked, just ask and I could try to remember how.

JaffetC's picture
Joined: 09/19/2011
Fhizban wrote:Could you point

Fhizban wrote:
Could you point me to some rules? I dont find anything about Weiss Schwartz Engine on the net and the Guilty Gods is on the geek, but I dont know anyhting about its core mechanics.

Thanks for the feedback anyway!

thats for Weiss Schwarz,

the way guilty gods plays out is that each creature card has spheres on the top of their card, Orange are attackers and Blue are Defenders, an attacker can only be blocked by a defender.

**o* <-- Attacker
*oo* <-- Defender

in this case, the attacker deals 1 damage because the defender didn't have a sphere to match it. Besides the use of chain and other mechanics in the game that let you play out more creatures, the way they combat seems very valuable to a TCG, CCG, LCG etc... because its simple, you dont need numbers, and you are only limited to the initial numbers you decide to work with.

Fhizban's picture
Joined: 01/11/2009
@larienna you got PM, thank


you got PM, thank you for your effort! Im sure i can use some of your ideas


thanks! i check if out after work

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