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Prime Real Estate icons

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Gabe's picture
Joined: 09/11/2014
Prime Real Estate icons

My friend, the artist, just completed the icons for my game about building a city one card at a time. What do you think?

The zone types are: commercial, residential, industrial, and municipal.

Joined: 09/11/2014
I find the icons hard to

I find the icons hard to recognize due to the 45-degree angle. This gives the office buildings the same angled top as the houses and makes the smokestacks of the factory tiny.

Joined: 03/02/2014

I disagree with firstcultural. Even looking just at the thumbnail, I can pretty easily tell apart the different shapes. One change you might make in his direction is to make the smoke coming out of the smokestack blowing to the left, giving the whole icon something of a horseshoe shape if all you can see is the outline.

You might also want to redo the municipal one a bit, to be more distinguished from the residential in just the outline. However, except for the fairly rare condition of complete colorblindness, it is pretty easy to pick out since it's the only one without color. If you were to do this, I'd suggest an L-shaped building, so that with the perspective it becomes a bit of a horseshoe shape in the other direction. Another approach would be to make a smaller building, but put an out-of-proportion police car above it and a fire truck below it, giving an I-Beam outline.

Gabe's picture
Joined: 09/11/2014
Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the feedback!

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