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This is a project called Leyline: Dungeoneers of the Universe

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Joined: 11/10/2009

This game I'm working on has some similarities to dungeon-crawling games. That's because it's supposed to. What I believe makes Leyline stand out... even a little, is the use of some mechanics from the TCG genre to make this game essentially be part TCG and part board game. The board game aspects are the most similar aspects to dungeon crawlers, because at the beginning of the game, the Overlord or Game Master (I'm using the term Overlord because that's what the game is based on) chooses a quest for the other players to complete. Blah, right?

This is where it gets interesting. Players who aren't the Overlord can customize their Class Decks to suit their style. All a Class Deck is a deck of skills and powers that a class can use; in other words, it's the deck that represents player characters the most. While the players will select a Race Card that represents what they race, the Class Decks represents WHO they are. The plan is to make Class cards available via online distribution; just a free download, most likely a PDF. So that's most of what makes this game at least somewhat unique.

In addition, the Overlord can also customize their decks to fit a particular quest. The same things that happens to Class Cards will also happen to the Overlord cards, in which there will be more.

Wow, that was a lot. This is my first post for an idea. Hopefully it'll be good. Thanks for reading this post.

Black Canyon
Black Canyon's picture
Joined: 05/30/2009

That sounds like an interesting idea. Have you built a prototype for playtesting yet?

Joined: 11/10/2009
The status of the project

I am working on it as I type this. It's taking some time, but I'm also building a website for it. It's not quite done yet (that's also a first, building a website), but I'm hoping to finish by the end of this week, if not the week after, along with some prototypes of the cards for download. If you're interested, as soon as I finish the website, anyone can download the cards and playtest it. That would actually be really helpful. In the meantime, I have to work on the cards for the game. For a board, any random D & D tiles will work, along with anything like that. Got to get back to work now.

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