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Recurring Player-Characters

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infocorn's picture
Joined: 07/30/2008

Is there such a thing ANYWHERE that uses a recurring PC in a lighter mode than most traditional RPGs? I want someone with a statline/warchest that could, conceivably, fit on a business card or similar with room for changes to be added in subsequent plays.

This idea fits with this thread of mine:

Honestly, the more I fart about with this idea, the more I feel like I have a good world-build in mind but am struggling with the amount that still would need to be written. I also feel like just a race-to-the-goal game is good, it doesn't really fit as an endgame for such a sprawling idea.

I think I'm going to blog/GJ this whole thing. I'm really fractured on the whole thing now. If either thread here catches your interest (Are you there, Cog? It's me, Corn...) I need authors and designers.


Cogentesque's picture
Joined: 08/17/2011
lolol - I'm famous! :D " Is

lolol - I'm famous! :D

" Is there such a thing ANYWHERE that uses a recurring PC in a lighter mode than most traditional RPGs? I want someone with a statline/warchest that could, conceivably, fit on a business card or similar with room for changes to be added in subsequent plays."

o_O .. Dude you need to "babify" the language for us, make it super easy to understand and give it to everyone on a plate otherwise people wont bite.

I understood:
" Is there such a game that uses a recurring (eg, coming into a game more than once) player character in a less "full-on" mode than Dungeons and Dragons. I want a playable character with a fixed set of items and statistics that uses a reasonably small amount of data."

Easy answer to that: Is there such a game? Most definately, I can't think of any right now but there are loads of Boardgames that are nearly RPGs and use simplified systems but in keeping with the tradition. To make a PC with less stats on them: Define your game system with attributes that are simpler than Dungeons and Dragons (perhaps, 2 main stats: "Combat", "Toughness", "Lifeforce" and then a special "perk" then finally "items", giving you 5 total attributes)
Then presto, you have a unique player character but with less info.

Regarding the end goal bit: again, I don't really follow what you are saying BUT a "race to the end" goal will normally be a to simple for
a big ol' RPG systems. That is why most of them have NO end goal. The end goal is mostly "Let's play this for a few months and then play something else", and of course with a Dungeon Master running the stuff, the end goal is normally heavily tied into the specific plot or campaign (defeat the witch king, kill the invading tribes, free the dragon overlord etc.) But if you are simplifying your character stats, the complexity of the game must be toned down to match the player pieces eg if you only had "combat" and not "ranged, magical, backstab and melee" then the fighting would be a lot simpler - therfore most combat resolutions would only resolve around "win" or "lose" - you would have to make sure that your game mechanics could accept this feature.

Ok, off to comment on your other thread!

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