Is there such a thing ANYWHERE that uses a recurring PC in a lighter mode than most traditional RPGs? I want someone with a statline/warchest that could, conceivably, fit on a business card or similar with room for changes to be added in subsequent plays.
This idea fits with this thread of mine:
Honestly, the more I fart about with this idea, the more I feel like I have a good world-build in mind but am struggling with the amount that still would need to be written. I also feel like just a race-to-the-goal game is good, it doesn't really fit as an endgame for such a sprawling idea.
I think I'm going to blog/GJ this whole thing. I'm really fractured on the whole thing now. If either thread here catches your interest (Are you there, Cog? It's me, Corn...) I need authors and designers.