i thought i would try to make a little roll and write game.
the basics involve a red bad die and 2 black good dice.
the red die crosses off 6 sets of boxes (3x each number 1-6). the black dice cross off another 6 sets of boxes (I'm using backgammon rules here, so doubles are used twice etc). nb. each red set is paired with a black set.
if you clear the black boxes before the red you beat that section and can score it. if the red get crossed off first you lose that section.
any dice that cant be used become negative points. there are also a coulple of rules for unusable red rolls and the five 1/36 rolls.
my main problem is that near the end of the game (when most things have been crossed out). as an example i have one red box (say a 6) and a black box (say a 7. so a 1/6 chance) rolling either will end the game. i can roll dozens of times and not roll either. at the moment this racks up the negative score (not really a problem). so i need another way to end the game.
i am also looking for general input on roll and writes. there isnt a lot on here so far.
at the moment its 6 disasters you have to avert. unused dice become casualties for negative value. as i was playing the body count really climbs at the end and a score of 0 seems quite good. i might lean into it as the theme. as the city gets destroyed disease spreads.