Hi there,
I have an idea about a game and was looking for feedback on it, or if something similar has been done before.
Players: 2
Board: 9x9 checkered board
Pieces: 31 pieces each (different colours of course)
Game duration: 30-45mins (not confirmed yet)
Objective: To reduce your own pieces down to 1
Phases of Play:
1: Players decide who goes first, future games other player goes first.
2: Players each take a turn by placing their pieces on the board one at a time
3: The players move their pieces around the board attempting to create a 3 in a row
4: The player who creates a 3 in a row removes those pieces from the board and can’t be used anymore in the current game.
Winning: The player who is left with 1 of their pieces on the board wins.
Thanks for the feedback and other considerations it’s really appreciated. Once I get to the finer details and some play testing I’m hoping to jump back on board and update.