I have been looking to create a dice game revolving around a popular theme. In particular, I have been thinking about Pirates...
As it turns out, my designs have by amazingly bad. That is why I have come to this forum. If I can get a game submitted that works well and I like, then Tasty Minstrel Games will publish it (pending the additional approval of sedjtroll).
Goals for the game:
Filler time frame: 10-20 minutes
Player numbers: 2-99
Player ages: 6-99
Fun: Lots of it.
Rules: Incredibly simple to learn with some depth of strategy.
Feel free to email me directly. michael@tastyminstrelgames.com
Michael Mindes, Founder
Tasty Minstrel Games
They can be custom dice, which is probably even preferable.
I would like to keep the components only to dice, so as to keep the game very simple.