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Siege - Battle Dice Game

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JewellGames's picture
Joined: 06/03/2012


Both players have a pair of dice marked with castle defenses and another pair marked with attacking forces. Both players repeatedly roll their offensive and defensive dice at the same time and pit their attacks against each other’s defenses to try to reduce each other’s hit points. The player to be the first to reduce their opponent to zero hit points is the winner.

Rules v1.1

X3M's picture
Joined: 10/28/2013
The rules are a bit confusing

The rules are a bit confusing at first. I had to reread. But then again, I do not know the original game.

There is one little correction to be made:
How to determine the first round who has the lowest health? Clearly both players have 6 health. And there can be 5 more situations of equal health.

For new players, I suggest you first explain how the dice look and what they mean. Then you explain the order of a round.
But then again, players who would play this game would see the dice on before hand. I did not see the dice, therefore the reread.

JewellGames's picture
Joined: 06/03/2012

I have provided further clarification for picking order but still leave it up to the players to coordinate conditions when they have the same hit points.

I will say that this game can be daunting at first with a handful of specific powers and conditions to remember, especially without the physical dice in front of you. But, I've tried to keep the mechanics and theme as fluid as possible to bridge that gap.

There are ~10 symbols to recall right now, once a few rounds have been played it becomes much easier.

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