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Solitaire game using your surroundings

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Silverdreams's picture
Joined: 12/09/2012

I had a thought about a single player game that was randomized based on where you are when you play it. Here's a quick rundown of what I had in mind.

“The waiting game” is a solitaire card game that is completely dependent on where you are to play.
• If you are playing this game without using a table, skip 3 cards then draw one
• If you can smell food cooking, draw and then discard a card
• If the room you are in has a blue ceiling, draw three cards, choose one and discard the two.
• If you are riding on mass transit (bus, subway, plane, etc) discard you entire hand and draw one card.

Each card is numbered and colour coded, and perhaps have some sort of symbol. Likely be 40 of these types of cards, with the assumed instruction “If you do not meet the requirements on the card, simply draw a new one.” Once you have settled the requirements for the previous card you should end up with one new one, use the instructions on that new card to continue play.
Victory Condition cards: There would be 12 Victory Condition cards that have a yellow star and the instructions will begin with “You win, if…” Victory Conditions are only activated when they are drawn. If you are holding one from a previous play when its conditions are met, it does not count.
• You have three other Victory Condition cards in your hand that cannot be met.
• You have four blue diamonds
• The sum of the other cards in your hand total below 6
Game Terms:
Discard – Place the card on the bottom of the deck
Cut – Take a random stack of cards off the top of the deck and place them on the bottom
Shuffling – use your preferred method of shuffling the deck
Skip – Take the cards from the top of the deck and put them on the bottom
Room – Generic term for where you are, even if it’s in a vehicle or outside

I'm still brainstorming a list for both game and victory condition cards. I was thinking 52 total to make it comparable to a standard deck, which would be an easy size to slip into a purse, backpack or briefcase.


Joined: 10/13/2011
Victory Conditions

Do Victory Conditions have both a card and environment element? For example "You win have one of each color card in play AND you can smell food" or "You win have 3 blue diamonds in play AND you can see a traffic sign" etc.

Shoe's picture
Joined: 12/21/2012
I love this idea, great way

I love this idea, great way to pass the time, you could consider maybe having a negative effect for not meeting the requirements, like:

Stuck in Traffic

If you can see more than 10 cars and are inside a car, draw 4 cards. If not draw 1 card and discard this card.
If you can't see any cars put X cards back on the deck and discard this card.

Silverdreams's picture
Joined: 12/09/2012
Some good thoughts, thanks!

Orangebeard: I was thinking that the VC cards would only rely on the combination of what's in your hand. The reason for that would be that every victory card should be winnable, regardless of where you play, but where you play determines what cards are in your hand at the time the VC comes up.

Shoe: I might consider some sort of negative effect, like forcing them to discard certain types or number of cards, if the environment doesn't co-operate. It would eliminate the “If you do not meet the requirements on the card, simply draw a new one.” which sounds like a quick way to fill up your hand.

Joined: 07/12/2013
This is a really cool idea.

This is a really cool idea. I can imagine that it could also be tied to elements of geo-caching where you have to find things in your environment. It also has great potential for teach situational and environmental awareness. For example, a condition of one card might be to spot 10 men with red shirts or 3 dogs walking on the right side of their person.

For the vicory condition, could you implement it in such a way that you have one (strange) objective to meet each day or each time you play?

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