With the lack of interest in my PnP MOBA, I was wondering if there was any interest in a Starcraft style PnP? A little while ago, I had made a playable pen and paper "RTS", but I no longer have the paper with the rules. Luckily, I remember fairly well how it works, and was wondering if there was any interest? If so, I'd probably start with a pen and paper playtest, and if all goes well, make it PnP.
Well sweet!
Currently, I am working on some other games, but I definitely want to start this up again. I actually was successfully playing this with some other friends a little while back, and it worked quite well (for a prototype)
Now, let me give a little insight into how mine worked. Technically, an rts wouldn't work as a pnp/boardgame, so I did mine as a turn based game. I DID successfully implement fog of war, which made me pretty happy. The gameplay was actually very streamlined and quite fun. I had one game were I was slowly building up my base, and my friend secretly sneaked up into the middle of the map (because of the fog of war) and built a bunker. I sent out troops and blammo, the were shot down. It was pretty awesome!
So, I'm typing this off of a Wii U Pad, but I'll try to give a fairly concise explanation. The game is based off of Starcraft (obviously...)
Units have health, defense, attack, range, speed, and any other special abilities. The units also have their mineral/gas cost. Units do interact with other ones in your RPS style, in that they have their own strengths and weaknesses. Each turn you can take an action with each of your units. Roll a # of dice equal to your units attack, and the target rolls a # of dice equal to their defense. 1-2 are shields, 3-6 are hits. Each shield rolled by the defender negates one hit from the attacker. Any left over damage is dealt to their health.
If you've played Starcraft, it's fairly similar to it. I was experimenting with custom factions to! Even the resource collecting is nice and simple (IMHO) At the start of your turn, each worker unit may take it's turn to gather 1 resource. To keep it even more simple, you don't have to move your workers to and from your base to transfer resources. It just goes straight to your base. The fog of war also works surprisingly well.
I had some different maps I drew on graph paper, and use letters/tick marks for the units, though I DEFINITELY could make this into a PnP.
Yes? No?