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Survival and building game

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Joined: 09/29/2012

So, my idea is this:

The players go around a random tile board( sort of like Cataan) and explore the land around them. They are going around to find supplies for their burnt out city to rebuild. The way this will work is that the city has a board on the side by it self where it shows what has been built so far. As far as the survival part, the players at the end of each round and during the encounter phase if they encounter an enemy have to fight monsters, zombies, aliens, raiders, and various other things ranging from a swarm of nanobots to a time traveling wizard. The players will get points for beating monsters and they will get points for being the one to bring back resources for a building. For example, player 1 brings back enough resources to build the hospital. He gets 3VP and the other players now can get a free med kit when ever they come back to the city.

this is the basic idea so far, I'm still trying to flesh out the mechanics without making it too complicated.

Joined: 10/05/2012
Sounds good

Sounds good to me.
I like the basic concept of a cooperative game where all players have a common goal, but only 1 player's gonna win anyway. I only got 1 board game with this concept so far: Mage Knight. And I really like it.

The combination of exploring and building has really catched my interest.

Joined: 10/05/2012
second thought

Giving it a second thought, I think you got 1 major problem in the story line: if the people from the burned down city were residents of that city before the disaster - why should they explore the environment? They definitely should know the territory they're living, shoudln't they?
They should know where to find forests for wood, rivers for water, rocks for stones and so on...

Joined: 09/29/2012
i'm thinking that they awoke

i'm thinking that they awoke from stasis pods or something to get around that detail. Like, a lot of time has passed and the landscape has changed.

Joined: 09/29/2012

this is what i have so far as a rough draft

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