Hi, I'm designing a game with a medieval theme where a player must challenge another player for a duel. This is a card game and its core mechanic is like the core mechanic of a well known game called rock, paper, scissors. If a player is playing against another player they will have to use 2 decks of cards but if a player is playing on his own he will have to include a small deck of cards to select his moves and 1 or 2 dice as well to select his opponent moves. Both players apply combat moves at the same time like in the rock, paper, scissors game. I don't think I can call it a real time strategy game, or a turn based game but probably it could be called a tactical game or a game of chance because players must apply combat moves at the same time and they must always try to guess their opponent's next move. Could you help me to discover to what genre of games it will probably belong?
I will indicate again its principal features:
2 players playing with one another: 2 decks of cards.
1 payer playing on his own: 1 deck of cards + 1 or 2 dice.
Players must apply their selected moves at the same time.
Players must try to guess their opponent's next move.
Thank you in advance for your help and replies.