I put together a print n play version of a game I'm calling Termite Tiles for now. Its nothing fancy but I found it to be amusing and I figured I would throw it out for some feedback. What's an easy way to host a zip file for free distribution? I have an internet issue, my only connection is through my cheap straight talk android phone, so if there's a way I can upload from a mobile device, that's a plus. Otherwise I can do it later when I'm near a real computer with the intarwebs. Any ideas?
need another game to test?
Fri, 01/24/2014 - 01:46
Fri, 01/24/2014 - 02:26
I would use dropbox.
I would use dropbox.
Sat, 01/25/2014 - 06:38
I like the idea, but I
I like the idea, but I would've called it "Termite Tunnels" instead.
The only thing I didn't like about the game was the fact that if your tokens are overpowered in a tunnel, you lose them. This would create a runaway leader who you can't pass, because they have more tokens than you do...
Sun, 01/26/2014 - 20:21
I found that trouble too.
I found that trouble too. Kinda like Settlers of Catan: Cities and Knights. Just impossible to pass after a certain point.
Sweet cuppin' cakes that was easy. Thanks!
If anyone is interested, its a tile game inspired by carcassonne, not blatant rip-off I hope :) I have some variations of rules in mind, but the basic gameplay is there and seems solid. I printed the tiles on 6 sheets of cardstock and cut them out with an xacto knife, they work pretty well. If you find any issues let me know how I can address them.