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[PRINT AND PLAY] Silver Synergy -Needing game testers

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dichrome's picture
Joined: 07/01/2015

Hi all,
We're designing a card game and hoping to get some feedback, predominantly regarding its game-play and enjoyability. :D

Silver Synergy is a casual 2-3 player game which is inspired from the idea to 're-vamp' the traditional Japanese card game Hanafuda. From there, it grew into changing the whole card spread and bits and pieces of its game mechanics.

In Silver Synergy, players take turns playing cards from their hands and drawing from the deck to match them with cards in the middle field. The cards are collected to make sets and accumulate points.

Our print-and-play version requires you to print in full color, however, the cards are mini-sized so hopefully it doesn't use up too much ink.;)
If you glue a blank page at the back of each card, the cards become thick enough to be easily over-the-hand shuffled.

56 cards, the total game playtime(7 rounds) is around 35 mins but each round is approximately 5 mins.
It would be great if anyone could try it out and provide us with some feedback regarding its strengths and weaknesses.

Thank you in advance :D

Print and Play link: *updated with a version of the cards which require less ink*

Optional feedback survey:

wombat929's picture
Joined: 04/17/2015
No color printer

I don't have a color printer, so I won't be able to test this for you.

Looking over the game, you could use a pretty simple fix to make this game color-blind friendly -- just add a distinctive border or icon to each card that matches its color. So Red cards have one border or icon, blue cards have another. It doesn't need to be super distinctive, but should appear somewhere that it's visible while players are holding cards or wherever it matters that players be able to see the cards.

Since color-blindness can reach up to 10% in some populations, this would be a good way to insure you don't lose players right off the bat. It would also make your PNP worthwhile for people who only have black-and-white printers.

Also, on page 10, the phrase is usually "neck-and-neck" rather than "neck-in-neck."

dichrome's picture
Joined: 07/01/2015
Thanks for the feedback

Thank you for your feedback! Surely going to have something like symbols for each colour.
We're in the process of designing a higher-quality version, where different types of cards will also have bigger and more distinctive borders.
For now though we'll try to make this print and play version more printer-friendly (concerning colour and ink usage).

Also thanks for the spell-check!

dichrome's picture
Joined: 07/01/2015

Just updated a more printer-friendly version of the cards in the print and play link.

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