Currently working on a simple 2 player game of piece placement and manipulation. It takes maybe 10-20 minutes to play a game through. Everything needed to play will most likely be found at your house, I've written up a guide for constructing your own copy of the game. Please let me know what you think of it and what areas could use improvement. Thanks in advance!
seeking playtesters
Hi, and thanks for submitting your game for playtesting.
I haven't had a lot of time to playtest your game but I did one solo playtest of it the other day. I couldn't find any major issues with it. I guess my sole playtest concern is that some people might consider that it starts off slowly but that is a trait for all "fill in the board" type of games (some of my own included).
Some questions, out of curiosity more than anything else:
* Why the rule about where players can build "their" 2x2 square? On the surface, it seems like a neat rule but was there any playtests where it was too easy for the players to build a 2x2 square anywhere? I was just curious.
* I'm always curious about exceptions in game rules and I couldn't help but notice that you allow players to ignore the pieces' special abilities except for the green piece's special ability, which always must be obeyed. Was there something in the earlier playtests where being able to ignore the green piece's special ability caused a gameplay imbalance as opposed to other pieces?
At any rate, I hope to devote more time to this later and see if I there are any patterns emerging from the gameplay. As it stands right now, congratulations on creating your game and I hope that you continue developing it.
I liked the game enough to strong arm a couple different people into playing it with me. I let them read your rules, but did not verbally interpret the rules for them. We all seemed to come up with different ideas of what 'In Front Of You' meant. That needs work.
I think your game has class. It is a good stepping stone into strategy games. It could be manufactured in visually and tactility appealing forms. You have a winner here.
I will have several copies of siege of verdan to playtest at sci fi city in Orlando fl. This will start at 12:00 10/20/13 (Sunday). Please feel free to contact me to make plans. Not a blind test play test, pretty far along in testing.
The guide can be found here