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Smoking Aces!

5 replies [Last post]
markgrafn's picture
Joined: 03/01/2015

A hybrid poker game that blends tactics with the luck of the draw.

Please check out the Print and Play instructions and give the game a try! Let me know what you think. All you need are the instructions and standard playing deck.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Outlaw vs. Deputy

I had a simple method by which to determine what "card abilities" can be used: Red vs. Black.

Black = Outlaws
Red = Deputies

Each card (black or red) can have a "cost" such as "-1 Gunslinger" or "+1 Gunslinger".

-10 = Outlaw
0 = Neutral
+10 = Deputy

Some card abilities MAY require like -5 or less to play (an Outlaw ability). Other MAY require like +3 or more to play (a Deputy ability). And there are of course NEUTRAL cards which don't affect your alignment.

Just some ideas...!

markgrafn's picture
Joined: 03/01/2015
I always like ideas. I'll try

I always like ideas. I'll try something like this out. Would need some sort of incentive for being an outlaw vs. deputy. Maybe a separate ability when playing a specific suit(Spades or Hearts.)


questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Another option

Is to use greatest count of color of cards played.

What I mean by this is when you play your HAND, if it's dominantly RED you earn +1 gunslinger points, if it's dominantly BLACK you earn -1 gunslinger points.

This is a SIMPLE mechanic in determining which way you go (Outlaw or Deputy).

It's also GOOD because you have five (5) cards and so your hand MUST be dominant one color or the other... Each hand is either RED or BLACK!

markgrafn's picture
Joined: 03/01/2015
A review!
Soulfinger's picture
Joined: 01/06/2015
Noice! There are some great

Noice! There are some great blurbs there, particularly about it being post-apocalyptic poker and the comparison to Fallout's game of Caravan.

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