In Warmind, you battle an opponent for dominance of "the planet", a rock on the outskirts of the Solar System that offers valuable resources.
Your soldiers are deployed into "the warzone", a shared area around the planet, with one goal: dominate as much of the planet as possible. As your opponent's soldiers have the same objective, your soldiers must regularly eliminate enemy forces. Soldiers, however, can only fight an enemy while adjacent to that enemy, so they must move into new positions to gain a tactical advantage and kill their target. Soldier movement is always relative to the planet or other soldiers, meaning allied and enemy forces are in constant contact.
Strongholds, other planets and sectors outside of the warzone, provide you with passive benefits that greatly increase your chances of victory. You are restricted in the number of strongholds that you can control at one time, however, and must get rid of old strongholds if they exceed your limit.
Supplies, various vehicles and military inventory, grant one-shot effects that can quickly change the tides of battle. Though typically requiring little to no rations, some supplies come into play delayed and cannot be used immediately, allowing your opponent time to react. This reinforces the fact that Warmind is about outthinking your opponent, not surprising them.
Rations ensure that every phase is dynamic. You are given 7 rations each turn to draw cards from your deck (1 ration per card); deploy soldiers, strongholds, or supplies into the play area (X rations equal to the card's cost); or perform actions with your soldiers (X rations equal to the soldier's cost). Recurring rations means that you're never deprived of or flooded with resources. You always have options.
By dominating the planet and killing high-ranking enemy soldiers, you score victory points. You win if you reach 10 victory points before your opponent.
Warmind is fast, fluid, and tactical. If you enjoy two-player card games but want something mechanically different, give Warmind a try. You'll like it.
A high-quality printed version of the game is available for $16.99 at: https://www.thegamecrafter.com/games/warmind
A print-and-play version is available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By1taO4QuGawdUZuMHF0Z05tUkU/view?usp=sh...
The rulebook is available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0By1taO4QuGawOTlRX2Nram5reDQ/view?usp=sh...
You can find brief tutorials explaining card types, the first turn of play, and the second turn of play at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6r_sPazKq4dhDDHU2U4dAg/videos
Please send all feedback, comments, and questions to: singlemindedgames@gmail.com
Yeah, Netrunner was a big influence on the visual style of the game. Actually, some of my initial resource mechanics were also inspired by Netrunner, though those ultimately changed.
And if you do end up playtesting, please send me feedback. The more, the better!