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Blaggards. Bluffing game. Rule book needs proofreading.

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ljdp's picture
Joined: 07/04/2012
6 Player Map.
key deck for blaggards
Turn track for blaggards

Hey, I would appreciate anyone who could proofread the rules to Blaggards.

Blaggards is a bluffing and deduction game. You'll love it if you love games like werewolf, resistance and coup.

The game has been play-tested 6 times now, the last two play tests were blind and I got some good feedback for the rules. This rulebook is version 2.

There are some images of the components used attached. And the soundclips for the 'close your eyes' parts can be heard here:

Joined: 11/06/2013
Could you make an A4/letter

Could you make an A4/letter sized version of these rules for the purpose of easy proof-reading on paper? Card-sized rules are kind of hard to read and I don't fancy printing out 13 pages when they're not put to full use.

ljdp's picture
Joined: 07/04/2012
Sure, I've attached a new A4

Sure, I've attached a new A4 version.

wombat929's picture
Joined: 04/17/2015

Here are some proof-read edit notes:

Please note I've only commented where I think things should change, but don't take the lack of positive comments as a lack of positive thoughts. Your game has an interesting take on the betrayer mechanic. The event tests are a nice way to provide some real grounding to the 'missions' and the key swapping element makes for an interesting challenge in memorizing things.

In broad strokes, I'd worry that even with these differences, people will see this as 'too close' to The Resistance or Avalon. You may want to hone your answer to that response.

ljdp's picture
Joined: 07/04/2012

Thanks for the comments wombat929! They are super helpful.

With the last two play tests, I've observed that the game is certainly different enough from Avalon/Resistance. Those who have played Avalon before mentioned it was different enough and didn't think it was a problem (as I was concerned about the similarities). So I don't think it's 'too close', those who have already played Avalon a bunch of times will be looking for something similar but fresh.

I have added the shootout ending and turn track mechanics since the last play test as I have found it was incredibly hard for the blaggards to win. Hopefully I'll get a chance to play test that next week.

Version 3 of the rulebook will be uploaded shortly with your suggested changes.

ljdp's picture
Joined: 07/04/2012
Rulebook v3

Version 3 of the rulebook is attached to the OP.

chris_mancini's picture
Joined: 05/01/2015
As they say...

Playtest 100 times, with 100 different people. One may and should start with friends and family, but you never really know how well your game works, or how the public will receive it, until you do several with strangers, and some of them blind (you're not there to explain or guide players). 6 play tests are a nice start, but you need many, many more.

Cons are a great way to do this, but you don't have to wait around or go to the expense of traveling if you have a good game shop in your area who runs game nights...I think most would be OK with you bringing in a prototype...just be sure to also create an info sheet which player can quickly view to get the core understanding of your game....this also prevents you from having to explain every aspect over and over again.

I'll post one I made for my filler game Hordes Of Orcs (available for playtest print-and-play here on BGDF!) for reference. It will be on a separate thread however, as I cannot seem to find a way to attach an image to a reply...anyways hope you find it useful.

ljdp's picture
Joined: 07/04/2012

I agree with you Chris. I actually run a playtesting group in Manchester, UK.

chris_mancini's picture
Joined: 05/01/2015
Very cool!

I wish I had a group like this in Los Angeles...I guess if you can't find an existing group interested in playtesting new games...make one!

From the pictures, these prototypes are pretty nicely executed...looks like you've gathered an exemplary group of designers and enthusiasts!

Joined: 06/04/2015
Some typos

Looks like a great game, would like to test it sometimes if I have the time. I adore Avalon so I might like this one too (are these games too similar? I really cannot tell without having played it).

On page 7: 'somone' --> 'someone'
on page 8: 'peform' --> 'perform'

Are you planning of going to a publisher? Or kickstart it? ...

ljdp's picture
Joined: 07/04/2012

Thanks AlexanderVanhulsel. I haven't decided on a route to market yet. It is similar to Avalon but stands on it's own legs ( not my words :) ).

Do you reckon something like this would have a chance at kickstarter? To be honest I'd rather try the publisher route.

I'm going to put together a P'n'P package and post it on here for anyone who is interested in trying it out. Also, does anyone use Tabletop Simulator?

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