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3D Printing, your input!

4 replies [Last post]
Jeff Timothy
Joined: 04/02/2009

Hi everyone! Happy New Year. May 2011 be the year you publish your game! :)

I spent over a decade as a 3D modeller working in the video games industry and recently left to pursue my own projects. One of these projects is the development of a 3D printing, design and modelling company. I'd love to know your opinion as it relates to your own 3D modelling and game design projects. If you have any additional comments please, by all means, leave them below.

If you prefer, you may message me directly with your comments. Thanks again for your feedback.


1) Are you familiar with 3D modelling?

I have no knowledge or experience.
I have a little experience and modelled a little bit.
I have a fair bit of 3D modelling experience.
I am a student currently studying 3D modelling.
I work professionally as a 3D modeller.

2) If you are a student of 3D, or a 3D professional, what creative industry do you work in or are you studying for?

Video Games
Industrial Design and/or engineering.
Jewelery making
Board and Game production
Other ______________ (forgive me for not mentioning your industry in my questions!)

3) How much do you know about the 3D printing industry and the potential uses of 3D printing?

What is 3D printing?
I know a little.
I know a fair bit.
I eat sleep and breath 3D printing.

4) If given the opportunity, would you incorporate 3D printing in your game design projects?

5) Would you prefer an automated, web-based approach rather than a service which required more manual communication and file transfer through email. (IE: does personal service matter to you or would you prefer everything to be automated?)

6) Would you require design services as well as printing services? (would you want someone to design or help collaborate on the design of the item you wanted to print?)

7) What type of item(s) would you be most interested in printing?

8) Is there anything preventing you from using a 3D printing service?

9) Please number following points in preferential order 1 - 6. 1 being most important, 6 being least important. (Not what you find most interesting, but what you would actually need most when printing objects)

- Printing High detail (at a higher price point, such as a highly detailed character model or custom sculpted and detailed game components)
- Full colour models (sacrificing detail and surface quality for colour)
- Fully rugged ABS plastic parts
- Printing with multiple materials (eg: plastic and rubber printed in a single model)
- Low price with a lower detail level. (sacrifice detail for greater affordability)
- Casting service, to create multiple copies of a single printed model. (eg: say you wanted 30 copies of an object, 3D print the first, then the rest would be cast at a lower price point per unit but at a longer turn-around)

truekid games
truekid games's picture
Joined: 10/29/2008
1) Are you familiar with 3D

1) Are you familiar with 3D modelling?

I have no knowledge or experience.

3) How much do you know about the 3D printing industry and the potential uses of 3D printing?

I know a little.

4) If given the opportunity, would you incorporate 3D printing in your game design projects?


5) Would you prefer an automated, web-based approach rather than a service which required more manual communication and file transfer through email. (IE: does personal service matter to you or would you prefer everything to be automated?)

I prefer automated in most cases.

6) Would you require design services as well as printing services? (would you want someone to design or help collaborate on the design of the item you wanted to print?)

Probably, in most cases.

7) What type of item(s) would you be most interested in printing?

Game components- miniatures and perhaps textured boards.

8) Is there anything preventing you from using a 3D printing service?

The price, generally.

9) Please number following points in preferential order 1 - 6. 1 being most important, 6 being least important. (Not what you find most interesting, but what you would actually need most when printing objects)

3- Printing High detail (at a higher price point, such as a highly detailed character model or custom sculpted and detailed game components)
4- Full colour models (sacrificing detail and surface quality for colour)
5- Fully rugged ABS plastic parts
6- Printing with multiple materials (eg: plastic and rubber printed in a single model)
1- Low price with a lower detail level. (sacrifice detail for greater affordability)
2- Casting service, to create multiple copies of a single printed model. (eg: say you wanted 30 copies of an object, 3D print the first, then the rest would be cast at a lower price point per unit but at a longer turn-around)

InvisibleJon's picture
Joined: 07/27/2008
Survey response...

Jeff Timothy wrote:
1) Are you familiar with 3D modelling?
I have a fair bit of 3D modelling experience.
Jeff Timothy wrote:
2) If you are a student of 3D, or a 3D professional, what creative industry do you work in or are you studying for?
Jeff Timothy wrote:
3) How much do you know about the 3D printing industry and the potential uses of 3D printing?
I know a fair bit.
Jeff Timothy wrote:
4) If given the opportunity, would you incorporate 3D printing in your game design projects?
60% of the time, no (the project doesn't need it). 40% of the time, yes (the project has, or could have, a unique component).
Jeff Timothy wrote:
5) Would you prefer an automated, web-based approach rather than a service which required more manual communication and file transfer through email. (IE: does personal service matter to you or would you prefer everything to be automated?)
I would prefer an automated web-based approach.
Jeff Timothy wrote:
6) Would you require design services as well as printing services? (would you want someone to design or help collaborate on the design of the item you wanted to print?)
85% of the time, no. 15% of the time, yes.
Jeff Timothy wrote:
7) What type of item(s) would you be most interested in printing?
Unique game parts, like specialized card racks, experimental dice, and other unique components.
Jeff Timothy wrote:
8) Is there anything preventing you from using a 3D printing service?
Learning a new 3D format or application / translating the models I've created to an accepted format.
Jeff Timothy wrote:
9) Please number following points in preferential order 1 - 6. 1 being most important, 6 being least important. (Not what you find most interesting, but what you would actually need most when printing objects)
1 - Low price with a lower detail level. (sacrifice detail for greater affordability)
2 - Casting service, to create multiple copies of a single printed model. (eg: say you wanted 30 copies of an object, 3D print the first, then the rest would be cast at a lower price point per unit but at a longer turn-around)
3 - Fully rugged ABS plastic parts
4 - Full colour models (sacrificing detail and surface quality for colour)
5 - Printing High detail (at a higher price point, such as a highly detailed character model or custom sculpted and detailed game components)
6 - Printing with multiple materials (eg: plastic and rubber printed in a single model)

truekid games
truekid games's picture
Joined: 10/29/2008
i read Jon's ordered list and

i read Jon's ordered list and was like "really? that seems like an odd order."

then i realized the problem was that i didn't read the original post correctly.

Joined: 01/02/2011
survey results

1) I have a fair bit of 3D modelling experience.

2) N/A

3) I know a little.

4) Perhaps, mostly depending on the game design itself (like already has been said, most designs have no real need for it, it is usually only decorative). Depends also on the pricing (of which I don't have even a slightest idea).

5) Automated service if it works well and the input/output is well documented (many automated services for all sorts of things provide almost no insight in what you'll actually get as a result), so I guess it depends how good would be the quality of the service. Otherwise, it falls back to manual.

6) Never tried to do it by myself so I guess I'd have to try to know. But I'd look into some pro assistance if I think that the game would be worth it.

7) I've never even considered using any non-standard components, but now that I think of it, I guess I'd try to invent some new game mechanics that would use some kind of 3d printed object. I have no idea, honestly.

8) Tfact that I've started to design boardgames only a few months ago, so - the lack of experience. Didn't even know 3D printing can be used for such things.

[1] Low price with a lower detail level. (sacrifice detail for greater affordability)
[2] Casting service, to create multiple copies of a single printed model. (eg: say you wanted 30 copies of an object, 3D print the first, then the rest would be cast at a lower price point per unit but at a longer turn-around)
[3] Printing High detail (at a higher price point, such as a highly detailed character model or custom sculpted and detailed game components)
[4] Fully rugged ABS plastic parts
[5] Full colour models (sacrificing detail and surface quality for colour)
[6] Printing with multiple materials (eg: plastic and rubber printed in a single model)

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