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45 and 75 second sand timers

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Willi B
Joined: 07/28/2008

I find plenty of listings for the 30 and 60 second sand timers, but none in the 45 and 75 variety... anyone know a cheap source for sand timers in 45 or 75?

I am about to contact the people at New Generation Timers (, but the webpage makes me hesitant. Has anyone dealt with them?

Joined: 07/24/2008
Can I ask why the web page

Can I ask why the web page makes you hesitant?

Willi B
Joined: 07/28/2008
not much there...

Could be honest starter with a shoestring budget, but lack of effort makes me wary.... it's 3 headings without much else, especially things like activity (recent copyright date even) or an 'about us' section.

I don't need awards, but I'd like some sort of reassurance that this is a business and not some swindler that just wants money. Their prices are good, but I'll call on Monday to get the gauge on them and to see if they can fit my needs.

Joined: 07/24/2008
The page looks like a single

The page looks like a single product info sheet (not retail) so I guess boring doesn't really matter.

Good luck! it will be interesting to hear how it turns out.

seo's picture
Joined: 07/21/2008 was the only was the only place where I could find 45 second timers when I was looking for them for my street addressing game for the WBI.

And I had the same worries you have. Might be an honest but simple website, or might be just unprofessional, but my guess (a totally blind guess) is that it's just a small company with a simple web page. Maybe it's the lack of any outrageous claims, but they look legit to me.

I only needed 10 sandtimers, and was in a rush, so I ended up buying 1 minute ones locally, removed the cap, used a dremel to make a hole on them, removed the extra sand and covered the hole with Poxilina. Evidently not an option if you need a large number of timers.

Willi B
Joined: 07/28/2008

Ordered from - 100 timers in 4 different speeds. The variation in the majority was negligible, but I'd say at least 30 were off by more than 5 seconds and at least 15 were off by more than 10 - some were off by around 20 seconds.

Evaluation -

Mass quantities and probably the lowest price in the US, but consistency suffered.

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