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8mm wood cubes available

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amnesiac's picture
Joined: 08/04/2008

I have just begun the process of building a game design parts and supplies e-store out of my site. It will likely be a 3-month process to get the bulk of items up for purchase.

As a starter, I have 8mm wood cubes in a variety of colors - bag of 50 for $4.50

There are also wood rods, such as are used as roads in SoC, - bag of 24 for $2.50

These prices are on par with, and better than anywhere else I've found in the U.S.

You can find it here...

Since I am not really sure of the demand, I have ordered conservatively. There is a chance I will run out of certain colors quickly, so if you are interested, best to order soon. These will be standard items of the site so anything I am out of will come back in stock, but since its coming from overseas, there may be several weeks of lag time, until I get the hang of balancing my orders with supply from Europe.

Check back frequently. I am hoping to add new stuff weekly. I'll post again whenever significant additions are made.

NativeTexan's picture
Joined: 03/04/2009
Discount for bulk

That's great. I've got a game design that I am currently working on that will require these blocks. Do you offer a discount for larger orders?

Willi B
Joined: 07/28/2008
round cylinders...

I read the monthly email and I suggest you stay away from the round cylinders (Power Grid, anyone?) if you do progress further.... from a play standpoint they roll everywhere and the octagonal or hexagonal cylinder would fit the bill just as well.

amnesiac's picture
Joined: 08/04/2008
Round is out

I agree. Looking at bringing octagonals and disks in next, as well as 10mm cubes.

amnesiac's picture
Joined: 08/04/2008

Right now, I am considered that my initial order may go too fast, so can't do it immediately. But if your order is sizable enough and you've got time, I may be able to tag it onto my next order for a discount.

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