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Another word for "unit"

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questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

Anyone have any ideas for another word for the term "unit".

Originally I was using the word "Creatures", however my game has humans as well. So "Creatures" does not make 100% sense.

The context of the usage would be: "You summon X 'units' into battle."

So rather than 'units', I'm looking for another word... A better one.

truekid games
truekid games's picture
Joined: 10/29/2008
assuming it is "singular"

assuming it is "singular" things, it could be "individuals", "beings", "combatants", or "participants"?

ilSilvano's picture
Joined: 07/31/2008

Maybe... followers, minions, sycophants, or this kind of words?
Or... fighters, helpers, guards?

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Hmm... Two good suggestions

ilSilvano wrote:
Maybe... followers, minions, sycophants, or this kind of words?
Or... fighters, helpers, guards?

Hmm... I like both "Followers" and "Minions". Not sure which is better. "Followers" sound more religious and "Minions" sounds more like combatants/creatures. Both terms are interesting. I'll have to think about the two...

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