(Current:bottom New:top)
I have been dabbling into some different designs for my cards for Battle of the Monumentals... The design before was too small; definitely not enough room. I have decided to adopt a similar approach as the designers did for Summoner Wars: Side ways cards.
I'm not sure if this is a popular layout or if its dumb to take after Summoner Wars. This layout allows me to do a lot more with the cards and it does not make the board any less finicky since its only expanding horizontally.
What do y'all think? This is of course in the EARLY design stages for the change to the cards.
I changed the initial post to give a side by side comparison.
The cost icons definitely need to move closer to the edge. The movement icon though, needs to be in the stats and info area where it is now. Moving it to the attribute area would be unnatural. Why do you think moving it there would be better?
Lef-off the hand size is at a minimum of 5, another reason I didn't see it as a problem to do this. What do you mean by "sorting" symbols?