Anyone know of a place where I could get or something I could use as small asian castle pieces. When I say asian I mean chinese/japanese.
Looking for something no bigger than 1.5 inches high, doesn't have to be very detailed at all - just needs the resemblance.
If not maybe someone could help me find a place that sells small wooden generic shapes that I could use to piece together for a castle look, like say a pyramid and a box.
Thanks for reading, anything will help :)
Ok I guess no idea on that. While I'm here i've also been looking for flat round counters about .5'' or 12mm in diameter. I found some in UK but not sure if they will stack. Also found some online that weren't painted yet, trying to avoid having to paint them, checked rolco, rpg etc. Stackable poker chips would have been fine as well but i can't find any this small in diameter. Prefer to use US stores to avoid lengthy shipping periods