Hi all,
What is the cheapest and fastest way to create prototype-quality Setters-type roads? Initially, I simply slipped boards in plastic page protectors and had players draw roads with dry erase markers, but I think players prefer little sticks over drawing on a board.
All of I could think of is getting a bunch of wooden matches, cutting the heads off with a pair of heavy-duty scissors, then spray painting them. I could, and should, order generic gaming parts, but I'm a bit impatient ;-) I prefer not to use power tools.
BTW, I am using these sticks as walls between hexes in a 5x5 or 6x6 hex-hex board, so I have to keep these sticks small.
I think I'll resort to spray painting dried pasta. I really don't want to cut anything out. I'm going to need a lot of small sticks, and I don't want to deal with cutting and sanding wood.
Then I should put a huge order from http://boardgamebits.com/ -- $0.10 per piece starts to add up quickly ...
I'm still open to any other ideas. I thought of nails, but there's the issue of the sharp point and the head of the nail.