I usualy get a idea for a game into my head, more often than not it seams this process is compleatly random. It can very from just a name for a game or a theem for it. Often also I have a general idea of one or more game mecanis that should fit nicly in the game. Or I have a feel for how I want the gameplay to unfold and what the players should be able to do in the game. Sometimes I even get "complet" games poping up in my head. Then I write this doen in my "game idea" document. This baby is at a wopping 23 pages at the moment. Then it sits there until I at some later point comes up with a "hey this is how it should work" moment. This part is usualy the most anoying part, this is becaus it seems this always hapends when I am about to go to sleep. So I have to go up, start the computer and so on al over again. It is ither that or trying to sleep with the fear that I might have forgotten this when I wake up in the morning.
After the game is mor or less compleated this way I make up a prototype for it. The last two games I have done have bin card games. So I have bin able to play them with siply altering a normal deck of cards. After I have played th egame severl times, and tweeking the rules a litle. I make up a new prototype a more flashy one. This usualy take a lot more time. For the last two cardgames this took about 30 hours for both of them. Then I print them at artscow, I have one game hopfully coming in tomorro, monday. This I do to be able to playtest the game in its final form, with the maximum number of players. And also to get feedback from the playtesters on the feeling of the game. Most prototypes do not give of the same feel as the final prodoct as you al know. So I try and make a nice prototype so I can get more correct feedback from the playtesters.
After this is done I usualy type up the rules. Untill now I have keept the rules in my head and the difrent versions in the computer. Also when I make the early prototype I usualy create a seperet file for the game and moves al things gamerelated in to it from the "game idea" document. Typing up the rules is realy tedius work. Al the spellchecking and translating. Do note it is just a "rules for.doc" so it is no rulebook at this moment. It often have "insert pictur of XXX here" in it but that is just for me.
When it comes to board games, I usualy spend a litle more time on the first prototype. In the two I have created I have used maps for the gameboard and I have spend maby 15 to 20 hours on creating them each.