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Help with pieces.... (Help!)

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Takedajosh's picture
Joined: 11/05/2013

The game I'm working on right now is a Civ ish game. It involves a shared map on which players own up to 15 squares which they can purchase at will.

My problem is I don't know how each player can mark these as their own... The contents of each square is important so this needs to remain visible.

I'd kinda like to avoid cubes too, I think sixty cubes down on a relatively small map would be horrible...

Any ideas?

KrisW's picture
Joined: 01/15/2013
Marking territory

How about a a dry erase map and translucent pens?

Takedajosh's picture
Joined: 11/05/2013
That's a cool idea. My only

That's a cool idea. My only concern would be that it might be a little messy? Anyone know a place where you can get stuff like that printed?

I like the idea of transparent plastic squares with a coloured edge but have no idea where I can get 60 of these. I looked into getting 60 transparent acrylic squares...$600 :O

Corsaire's picture
Joined: 06/27/2013
Holes and pegs (like

Holes and pegs (like battleship)
Stick pieces like catan roads
Translucent winks

Ristora's picture
Joined: 11/05/2013

How big do you want these squares to be?

Markus Hagenauer
Joined: 12/04/2009
Maybe coloured frames would

Maybe coloured frames would work, or transparent leafs.
You could alos make squares of each colour for each place on the map to put the coloured square with all the information on top of the board.

But all this options are much more difficult to make than just cubes.
So I think I´d go with the easyes solution and use rather small cubes.

Takedajosh's picture
Joined: 11/05/2013
The squares are about 1" so

The squares are about 1" so the pieces need to be the same. I like the idea of frames but not sure where to get anything like that or how to make it myself (laaaaaazy)

I found these after some research on BGG :

Maybe if I put a coloured sticker round each of these to mark them as belonging to each player... Would also be satisfying placing them I think!

What do you reckon?

Thanks guys :)

Corsaire's picture
Joined: 06/27/2013
I think these are

I think these are simpler:

Ristora's picture
Joined: 11/05/2013
I think the little counters

I think the little counters would be too fiddly.

I would recommend getting those clear squares if they will do the job, and then picking up a pack of coloured sharpies. You could then colour in an outline on the squares.

Takedajosh's picture
Joined: 11/05/2013
Yeah, Sharpies is a cool

Yeah, Sharpies is a cool idea. Think that might be the one.

btw, If I want to post the rules and an outline for my game where do I do it?


Ristora's picture
Joined: 11/05/2013
Here I think...

Or you can start a game journal.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
A few options...

Takedajosh wrote:
btw, If I want to post the rules and an outline for my game where do I do it?

I would create a topic in the "Playtesting" forum people can then comment and download the rules from there.

The other option would be to Create a "Blog Entry" and talk about the game and provide a link for the rules.

Lastly your other option should you want is to Create a "Game Journal" and then write the outline and provide a link to the rules.

Notice: I recommend you put the rules in a PDF so people can easily view it and comment. Posting up rules in the forums or a blog can lead to a very LONG message... some people may get turned off. But if you provide an outline on either the forum topic or blog AND then give a link to the PDF, that would be much more reasonable!

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