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How to track "money"

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questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011

Hi all,

I was wondering if someone could show me a *sample* of how to track "money" in a game.

What I was going to do was use *Winks* of different values:

-Red: 1 (x10) = 10
-Orange: 5 (x10) = 50
-Yellow: 10 (x10) = 100
-Green: 25 (x10) = 250
-Blue: 100 (x10) = 1000
-Purple: 200 (x10) = 2000
-Black: 500 (x10) = 5000
-White: 1000 (x10) = 10000
(Total = 18410)

The problem I can see is that *Winks* don't have VALUES on them. I don't want to use poker chips because I would require too many poker chips (too costly of an option). This also is a lot of winks...

What I was thinking is having a *MAT* which would have values to keep track of money. Something like a 4"x4" mat...

But I need help *designing* how the mat should work... What do I need (to go with the mat)? Can someone explain how such a mat could work (that would help greatly)? I really have never designed such a mat, so I need help in explaining how a mat helps track money...

Thank you.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
3-4 lines


So doing some research and it seems like it's as simple as having 3 to 4 lines with values 1 to 10.

Is there anybody who would have something to add to this...?

Note: It would seem that values 0 to 9 are more appropriate...

JackBurton's picture
Joined: 04/16/2013
Probably I haven't truly

Probably I haven't truly understood your needs, but how about having three (or more) digit tokens (0-9) with which you can compose numbers from 000 to 999 without having to remember color values?

One big problem of this solution is that, if your game suports many players, the number of tokens may grow quite large.

Joined: 04/30/2013
something literal

well using what monopoly did with managing money seems to fit your needs quite nicely, managing near actual money with numbers printed on them clear as day for anyone who can see

padragan's picture
Joined: 09/24/2010
Why not have a 10 x 10 square

Why not have a 10 x 10 square going from 0 - 99 where each player have a token on the square representing their current wealth.

If you need to track larger sums of money, have a separate 10 x 10 track (or the size needed) next to it to track full bags of $100. This way each player only need two markers and the board can be pretty small.

RGaffney's picture
Joined: 09/26/2011
One for the ones place, tens

One for the ones place, tens place hundreds place and thousands place. Maybe sliders instead of winks reveal only the digit needed

Joined: 04/30/2013

well if you are hell bent on using a grid though, borrowing something from the principle of the abacus might help, although it really depends on how large your numbers go, ill use a 9 by 9 for the sake of making a square

say the first column represents ones, and every preceding column is an increasing power of ten, so when a wink or whatever token you choose goes beyond the number "9" at the top of the column, it goes over to the next column, example, "1963" is represented like this on the 9X9 board, "(@)"s represent where the wink/token is placed:

accumilating from right to left

but it does reduce the number of winks/tokens to 9 per player at the very most, is not color dependent, and numbers go up to 999,999,999 at least in this example

although IMO its not that presentable, might help if you staggered the columns and gave them a slant, but a table is still a table

i missed out padragan's recommendation somehow, that one is a really good use of the principle of the abacus, although again depending on how high you need the values to be. if it does not go beyond 10,000, using two 10X10 boards with 2 winks/tokens would be an awesome counter, or using three 10X10 boards to go for 1,000,000

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