The Game Crafter is pleased to announce our brand new Large Hex Chits. They measure 1.25 inches point to point, and are printed full-bleed double-sided. They come 77 to a sheet for $9.49, which comes out to 12 cents per chit. Enjoy!
Large Hex Chits available at The Game Crafter!
Mon, 03/31/2014 - 14:00
Mon, 03/31/2014 - 18:28
Any time in the future where
Any time in the future where we don't have to get 77 of them to include them in a game? 10 dollars is a stiff price to pay if you only want a dozen or so hexes.
Mon, 03/31/2014 - 22:05
Idea section
Any time in the future where we don't have to get 77 of them to include them in a game? 10 dollars is a stiff price to pay if you only want a dozen or so hexes.
I believe one of The Game Crafter (TGC) submitted ideas is exactly what you are talking about namely half sheets for certain print options...
Perhaps that idea may get more votes and gain popularity if most designers feel that cost of these great additions needs better pricing!