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Looking for a GIMP filter

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larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008

In the past I used a filter to do a certain effect, but I can remember how to do it again.

The source image was:

The resulting was

and I then simply layered once over the other. One of the important thing is the black line around the edge of the map.

I thought it was an edge filter, I tried every filter I could think of and the best I can get is:

So there is no borders around the land, only the textures gets rough.

Do anybody know which filter I could have used?

I don't think I made a complex combination of filter either.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Artistic filter?

Could it be an *artistic filter* like "Crayon" or "Photocopy"?

Joined: 04/30/2013
tried to replicate the result

it will depend on whether your example image was in layers or not, but the effect you are looking for is definitely something related to edges, it looks to me like the only parts affected are the browns

sadly i do not use GIMP but i tested out a combination in PS, and the closest i got was this:

the method i used was:
1) Stylise>find Edges
2) switch mode to Grayscale OR de-saturate image layer(Ctrl-U and drag saturation slider to -100%)
3) play with Curves(Ctrl-M), and thats it.

relative to PS, some things i didnt test, maybe you uped the hues or played with lightness while in the hue menu(Ctrl-U), or maybe u used glow edges instead of find edges, maybe you re-did the steps several times in different orders, maybe you layered one effect over another...could by anything really

well good luck finding the combination with regards to an equivalant in GIMP, these are the closest things i can think of trying

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
It's not photocopy and I

It's not photocopy and I cannot find the crayon filter. Maybe it's a new filter:

it will depend on whether your example image was in layers or not, but the effect you are looking for is definitely something related to edges, it looks to me like the only parts affected are the browns

This is what I also thought, but when I used the filter, I combined multiple images together, so they had to be flatten. If I do an edge detection on the brown BG, it detect the grain of the texture and stop at the edge. It does not drawn an edge. I also remember of manually erasing the water because it detected the grain of the water too much.


the method i used was:
1) Stylise>find Edges
2) switch mode to Grayscale OR de-saturate image layer(Ctrl-U and drag saturation slider to -100%)
3) play with Curves(Ctrl-M), and thats it.

At that time, I was not familiar enough with GIMP to make various steps to get a sketch. So it was one filter that give me and transparent BG by the way, so it's not even a white BG where you use multiply.


maybe you re-did the steps several times in different orders, maybe you layered one effect over another...could by anything really

I remember doing it twice on 2 separate layers to get them darker and I combined both layers together.

Also the edge filter does not have much parameters. Else the only thing I could think is that at that time, I had PaintShopPro installed on my computer, so maybe I used one of their filter.

JackBurton's picture
Joined: 04/16/2013
Edge Detection -> Sobel (I've

Edge Detection -> Sobel (I've obtained a similar image)

(I've got italian version, hope english translation si accurate)

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
It gives me almost an all

It gives me almost an all black picture where we barely see the sand texture.

I don't think they change the filter between the various version.

JackBurton's picture
Joined: 04/16/2013
You should add a white

You should add a white background and save: you'll have quite the same result (I've tried and the final image presents an additional spotted area you can easily cut).

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
I found that the "Predator"

I found that the "Predator" artistic filter seem to trace the line around the water. I tried combining it with edge detection and dilate and it seems to have given some reasonable results.

questccg's picture
Joined: 04/16/2011
Crayon filter

larienna wrote:
I found that the "Predator" artistic filter seem to trace the line around the water. I tried combining it with edge detection and dilate and it seems to have given some reasonable results.

I bet you used the *crayon* filter... From what I gather, it is available in the French version of GIMP and not the English version... Got that from reading the filter manual at:

The french version is:

For some reason I can't find the crayon filter in the English version... but in the French version it is CLEAR as DAY (10.3. Dessin au crayon)! Could it be something to do with the language (French vs. English)??? Did you used to use GIMP in French and then you switched to English? Or did you change the language in your OS? Or something like that???

UPDATE: The filter in the English version is "Cartoon" which is an *artistic filter*. I realized this by seeing the sample images of what the filter does... So maybe try "Cartoon" and see if it give you the desired edging.

larienna's picture
Joined: 07/28/2008
I have the english version

I have the english version and yes "cartoon" is there. But it does not give me a nice edge. On the gimp forums I had a suggestion a plugin called gmic. Here is the thread:

The results seems much nicer, I might try that.

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