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Multideck 1.5 is available - Create custom cards for prototypes

3 replies [Last post]
Rick-Holzgrafe's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008

Multideck version 1.5 is now available from the Macintosh App Store.

This version introduces custom card spacing, which allows your cards to be separated on the printed output pages. This allows room for a bleed area around each card, and allows printing on pre-perforated paper. Several other minor new features, improvements, and bug fixes are also included.

Visit the Multideck web site for more information, and for how-to videos and sample projects.

bottercot's picture
Joined: 02/06/2018
Hope this isn't Redundant

This has probably been asked before, but will this ever be usable on PC?

Rick-Holzgrafe's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008
Not for PC

Sorry, but I sincerely doubt it will ever be available for PC. I'm a one-man shop. I have decades of experience developing for Macs, but none whatsoever in developing for PCs, and no equipment to do it with. Wish I could give you a happier answer, and thanks anyway for your interest!

bottercot's picture
Joined: 02/06/2018
That's fine! I completely

That's fine! I completely understand; decades of experience is nothing that one gains rapidly.

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