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Multideck 1.9 is available - Create custom card decks for prototypes

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Rick-Holzgrafe's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008

Multideck is a Macintosh app for creating custom card decks for prototypes. Version 1.9 is now available in the Mac App Store.

What's New
This release contains a host of relatively minor improvements and bug fixes. It is the first release to have been tested by my new regression test suite, meant to help ensure that new changes don't break old features.

The most noticeable change in this release is the Effects panel. Formerly this panel appeared in a separate utility window. But that could cause problems: each document window had its own Effects panel, yet (if you had multiple documents open) there was no way to tell which Effects panel went with each document window. So in this release, the Effects panel has been made part of the document window, underneath the Item List and sharing its column. You can drag the divider between them to give more height to the Items List and less to the Effects or vice-versa. And because the roster of effects has been getting ever longer, the sections in the Effects panel can now be separately opened and closed, so that the effects you don't need don't take up space.

In addition, I have rearranged the Item Info panel a bit, for greater ease of use. The "Add New Item" button is now in there, instead of being off in an entirely different (and rather senseless) portion of the window. You should now find creating and configuring new items to be a smoother process.

And the Image Matrix item type has been upgraded. It will now show a light gray grid (when not printing or in Preview mode) to make it easy to see how many images the grid can display, and there is a button to fit the item's size precisely to the number of full images, without unused excess. Furthermore, a new feature allows specifying a visible grid with settable gridline width and color. You can now create tracks and grids on your cards and player mats and boards by simply making an appropriately-sized Image Matrix.

Multideck Help
I'd like to take the opportunity to remind everyone about Multideck's extensive built-in Help pages, available from the Help menu. Whenever you install a new release, I strongly recommend opening the Help and clicking the What's New link on the left side of the Help window. That will always show you a complete list of all changes in the release, with links to the relevant portions of the Help.

For more information, please visit the Multideck web site. For an introduction to Multideck and its basic features, please visit our Multideck How-To Videos web page. Thanks!

Joined: 12/19/2017
This all sounds great.

This all sounds great. Looking forward to checking out the new features. Thanks Rick.

Rick-Holzgrafe's picture
Joined: 07/22/2008
Multideck Users Guild on BGG

While I don't want to take anything away from BGDF's wonderful site and community, I'd like to point anyone interested in Multideck to the Multideck Users Guild on BoardGameGeek. There are some interesting discussions there about how Multideck can be used; and I post updates on how I'm handling bugs that users have reported, and sometimes on new features I'm working on. If you join the Guild and subscribe to it, you'll get notifications whenever anything new is posted there.

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