Hello all,
It has been a while since I was last here. That is because I have spend the lion's share of my time developing my board game Ortus. If all goes well, it will be released during Essen this year.
My question to you is, could you take a look at the new rulebook I wrote? It's here:
The pictures in it still have the generic playing pieces which will be replaced with nicer Weeples (as in warrior meeples). I'm currently working on these weeples, so you can expect a new post of me asking for help on that.
For now, could you comment on the content of the rulebook, the layout and the theme? Do you like the artwork? Would you be interested to play the game? Would you be able to play from reading the rules or not?
Any comment would be very welcome.
Hello Sam,
Wow, that is a very elaborate reply. Thank you very much for going so in depth on this.
It is all very useful and thank you for the positive remarks on the artwork. I'll have a better reply for you soon, for now I'm falling asleep on key board.