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Prototyping Transparent Cards

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MarkD1733's picture
Joined: 07/05/2014

Okay...I like the concept of transparent plastic cards, like those in GLOOM, where you can see iconography through to the next card. Any thoughts on the best way to go about making them (just the transparent plastic, not the art/graphics) inexpensively? I don't want to be cutting up all the windows from of my daughter's doll packaging. That would be a drag. Any vendors where I can buy sheets? What is the best material to use? Acrylic? or is there something better?

Thanks in advance!

Joined: 08/23/2013
blank transparencies

Use blank transparency sheets you can print on your ink jet.
I found a source on line as an example.

MarkD1733's picture
Joined: 07/05/2014
transparency sheets...great idea

Not to say they are too flimsy, but I wonder if they come in different thicknesses. This is a great tip, especially because you can print on them.

Joined: 08/23/2013
bond them

Once you have printed them bond put them in card protectors or bond them to a thicker clear material or both as the card protector would help prevent the ink from being scratched off.

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